Kristin Pollock Kristin Pollock

Lesson: Buying Things
Beginner level


Students will integrate material from previous lesson with target language for buying things in a sentence-ordering activity. They'll listen to an audio to check their answers and to hear the correct pronunciation. Then they'll fill in the blanks using a conversation about functional language for buying things. Meaning, form, and pronunciation of functional language will be emphasized. Then we'll practice pronunciation of this conversation. Students will do a controlled activity where they practice the first conversation they were given with a partner, taking turns to be the customer and then the shop assistant. After, students will do a semi-controlled information gap activity in partners where one person is buying from another person's shop. Finally, they will do a free practice activity and write a conversation about buying things in a shop. They will memorize it and perform it.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for buying things in the context of shopping.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of buying things.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Context will be set in previous lesson. I'll put an image of a shop on the board and ask them where we are to remind them we're shopping.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

In groups, students will be given cut-outs of two conversations between customers and shop assistants and asked to order both. • Read sentences – 1 min • Order – 3 mins • Peer check other groups - 1 min • Listen to audio 4.13 (for a final check and to show pronunciation) *I'm debating having this sentence reorder and the proceeding, fill in the blanks activity be a competition but seeing as there are some especially competitive people in the group, I think doing so might sacrifice comprehension. Will play it by ear.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

A conversation between a customer and a shop assistant will be put on the board with some missing words. Students will work in groups and fill in the blanks. • Note that words in parenthesis can change • Read conversation – 1 min • Fill in the blanks – 1 min • Peer check other group - 1 min o *WC FB if needed (I'm assuming they will get these right, but if not I will elicit the correct answers on the board with the whole class)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

• Note that with "do you have..." we can use any + plural noun • Elicit meaning of "they’re over there" (potential example: I’m here, Joe and Fazi are over there) • Elicit meaning of "they’re 50p each" (potential example: individual/separate pen is 50p) • Note meaning of "here you are" (Amne wants to buy these 2 pens, give them to her → here you are) • Note: thanks a lot (thanks, thanks very much, thank you) • Students find 1 example in the conversation on the board of 1) Do you have... 2) Can I have... 3) How much... • Compare/contrast usage/meaning of these three sentences. *2 images on board to contextualize them - CCQs to lead them to their meaning (Do you have any bananas? No. Question about information. → Can I have a cake? Give me a cake. → How much is this cake. Question about price/cost.) Pronunciation of sentences on board. • *Note: polite (we don’t say…) May need to backchain sentences, will make this decision based on repetition of the first sentence.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

In pairs, students will be practice the two conversations from the exposure activity. Student A will be a customer and student B will be a shop assistant Then they'll switch.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Students will work in pairs to complete an information gap activity involving a conversation between a customer and a shop assistant. Student A will be buying from Student B's shop. They will be given the relevant information (items to buy, their cost, the appropriate language) to scaffold the activity. Then they'll switch (using a new conversation, same structure) and Student A will then be selling to Student B. • *Pre-teach spend. (I will introduce this word because it's obviously beneficial, but I may not ask how much was spent by the costumer because math seems unnecessary) • *Instruct: read instructions, box → language/sentences, pictures → things to buy • Read/review – 1 min • Customer begins – 2 mins • *Unfold paper → change roles - read instructions, box → language/sentences, pictures → things to buy – 1 min • Customer begins – 2 mins • *How much do you spend? WC, 1 min (A → 17.90, B → 12.50) (Again, may omit this)

Free Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

With a new partner, students will write a conversation between a customer and a shop assistant → 4-5 mins • *Error correction while working, reference texts if needed • Students will practice the conversation until they memorize it – 4 mins • One pair will join another pair and they will present to each other. • If time, take volunteers to present to WC

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