Nurfaldillah Nurfaldillah

TP4: Grammar: Present Simple: Third Person: Positive and Negative
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use the Present Simple (both the positive and negative). Students will look at regular and irregular verbs and form the correct verb for the third person forms (e.g. she/he/it). Students will listen to a recording of regular and irregular verb forms and practise pronunciation. Students will do a gap-filled controlled practice of using the correct verb forms.


Abc Gap-fill Handout Ex 6a
Abc Gap-fill Handout Ex 7
Abc Reading text: Paul's activities during his free time
Abc Gap-fill Handout Ex 6b
Abc Powerpoint: 1) Picture: Paul

Main Aims

  • To introduce and give practice in the simple present (both positive and negative) for the third person forms

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking: To allow students to practise pronouncing the ending sounds of regular and irregular verb forms in the third person forms
  • Listening: To allow students to listen to model pronunciations of the ending sounds regular and irregular verb forms in the third person forms (e.g. plays versus watches)


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows a picture of Paul reading a book. T says Paul reads a book in his free time. T gets Ss in pairs to talk about what they do in their free time. T gets Ss to share with the class. Ss are to share with the class what their partner does in his/her free time.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows pictures of Paul and the activities he does in his free time. Ss talk to their partner to discuss what they see in the pictures. Before reading the text, T poses a question: What does Paul do in his free time? Ss read the text on their own for 2 mins. T gets some Ss to answer the question. Expected answer: Pauls watches DVDs. Paul listens to the radio. Paul goes skiing.

Highlighting (5-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T asks Ss to underline the verbs and circle the subjects (pronoun). Using the four sentence markers in the handout, T elicits meaning of structure from Ss. T to help Ss to 'discover' the pattern in the sentence structures. Ss to guess and work out on the meaning and how the sentences are formed.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Using the four sentence markers in the handout, T elicits meaning of structure from Ss. 1) He watches DVDs in his free time. CCQs: 1) Are we talking about the present, past or future?-Present 2) Is he a pronoun? -Yes 3) Does 'he' refer to 1 person or more than 1?- 1 4) Which is the verb?- watches 5) Is the word 'watches' singular or plural?- Singular 6) Is it a regular verb? - yes 2) He listens to the radio. CCQs: 1) Which is the verb? -listens 2) Is the word 'listens' a regular or irregular verb? - Regular 3) Is the word 'listens' singular or plural?- Singular 4) What pronoun do we use here? -He 5) Give an example of a regular and irregular verb. - plays, washes 3) He goes skiing. CCQs: 1) Is the word 'goes' a regular verb?- no 2) Is the word 'goes' singular or plural?- Singular 4) He doesn't play tennis. CCQs: 1) Does he play tennis?- No 2) Is the word 'doesn't' negative or positive? - Negative 3) Is the word 'play' in the base form? -yes T elicits the form for every sentence. Positive: subject + base form + -s or -es Negative: subject + does + not + base form T elicits other third person form from Ss and get them to make their own sentences and share. T role models pronunciation and Ss to practise pronunciation through choral drilling.

Controlled Practice (6-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Task 1 Ss work in pairs to write the correct verb forms for he/she/it ICQs: 1) Do you work alone? -No 2) Do you write the correct form for both regular and irregular verbs?- Yes T to monitor Ss as they complete the task and listen for ss' pronunciation of the ending sounds of the verb. T gets Ss to answer the questions and does feedback. T highlights error in spelling and pronunciation, if any. Task 2 Listening Ss listen to a recording and practise the he/she/it forms of the verb. T sets the task before listening. Ss to identify verbs that have the /ɪz/ at the end. T draws a table and gets Ss to share their answers. T drills pronunciation and change verbs. He plays, She plays, It plays We play, They play, You play, I play He watches, She watches, It watches We watch, They watch, You watch, I watch Task 3 Gap-fill Ss work alone to complete Ex 7. After 5 minutes, Ss check answers with a partner. T provides the answer key for Ss to check. On the w/b, T underlines key words in the text and elicit Ss input on the importance of these keywords.

Free Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T gets Ss to draw a picture of a family member and what he\she does in his\her free time. Ss to make 2 sentences about it using TL. T monitors the activity by walking around and taking note of Ss' work or errors. T does a FB to highlight good sentences and does error correction, if necessary. T asks Ss volunteers to share their sentences with a partner and whole class (Speaking). T writes some of the Ss' sentences on the board Using the sentences given by Ss, T nominates a few Ss to change the positive form into the negatives.

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