Jefferson Cristiano Dick Junior Jefferson Cristiano Dick Junior

Copy of Culture
ICELT level


In this session, trainees will be introduced to the differences between British and American English. They will have the chance to discuss the differences together to see how they would deal with such differences when they may face them in teaching a lesson which contains some subjects that are irrelevant to their students’ culture. This session starts with a lead-in followed by a matching and categorizing activity for some differences between The United States and The United Kingdom. This is followed by an activity in which some connotation words will be given to the trainees to guess their meanings and how they are different in British and American English. Trainees will be exposed to some words and phrases which people say in different situations that may be different from their students’ culture. One situation in particular will be given to the trainees as an example to show them how cultures are different the, thing which may affect their students understanding of the language. Finally, the trainees will brainstorm ideas on how they would teach some lesson which are culturally inappropriate for their students from different course books.


Abc Course Books
Abc The Elevator
Abc Questions
Abc Connotation words
Abc Matching and categorizing activity
Abc Gap-fill

Main Aims

  • To raise the trainees awareness about the importance of teaching the cultural items of English language.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To expose the trainees to some differences between the British and American English that they should be aware of when they teach.


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To make the trainees engaged and ready for the session

On the board display # Heaven is where the police are ……………… the cooks are ………………… the mechanics are …………… the lovers are ……………… and it is all organized by ……………… # Hell is where the police are ……………… the cooks are ………………… the mechanics are …………… the lovers are ……………… and it is all organized by ……………… Trs complete in their own words – compare ideas Discuss implications of culture/stereotyping, etc. in teaching Need to consider T’s culture & Ss’ culture

Controlled Activity - British & American English (10 minutes) • To point out the differences between British and American English and how it is important to teach both patterns

# Put trainees in four groups of three. # Give a set of cards to the groups to match & categorize # Write words on w/b – try to categorize (UK & US). Do you know these places/people/events? Do they have any significance to you?

Connotation Words (10 minutes) • To raise the trainees awareness if the culture differences

Trs in groups work through list of words & phrases displayed on the board. They all have cultural connotations. What do the words & phrases mean? What problems might Ss have with them? What do Ss need to know?

Controlled Activity - Questions (15 minutes) • To raise the trainees awareness if the culture differences

Look at situations. What would you say in each case? How easy it for a T to know these/deal with them? For some cultures, e.g. there are fixed phrases or expressions to be used in each situation. Ss want direct translations or equivalents – but not always possible or appropriate. Sometimes we don’t say anything specific – “Get well soon” for example is more often written than spoken. Do you agree that language is culturally bound? – Trs discuss in groups w/c FB

Discussion (15 minutes) • To find appropriate ways in teaching cultural items

Look at materials from two different course books. (Jamie Oliver from Pre-intermediate face2face about ) What did the course book writers assume when they included them? Should they have? What can Ts do to help when faced with published materials that seem so culturally specific? In groups come up with ideas for teaching to guide the Ss Cross over & present ideas – discuss with w/c

Discussion (15 minutes) • To expose trainees to one of American etiquette

Trainees read elevator etiquette which are displayed on the board. Discuss answers according to the customs of their culture. Read rules for elevator etiquette in the US – are they the same? Implications for the classroom – e.g. rules of proxemics – how close can you stand? - monitoring, etc.

visuals - Gestures (5 minutes) • To give more culture differences

Paralinguistics – body language Look at the photo on the board of different gestures – Trs discuss what they mean. Compare with another culture answers – anything surprising.

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