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CELTA Course, Second Lesson, Good Communication (Plan# 2)
B1+ (Intermediate) level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use model verbs of speculation in the context of future online and life changes. They will be discovering these information by completing some tasks. In addition, they will learn the vocabulary used to express probability and speculate about consequences.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of model verbs of speculation in the context of future online and life changes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of speculating about the consequences and expressing probability. In the context of future life changes.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of future life changes.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To engage students

* In this stage I would normally have to introduce the context, but this time the context has been already introduced in the previous lesson. - Teacher reminds students of the rule ''English Only Zone". -Teacher elicits meaning of the word ''addicted" from students by giving an example. * Students try to give the word, then teacher gives the word. -Teacher asks students CCQs. For example,does "addicted/ addiction" have a positive or negative connotation/ meaning? Does heroin causes addiction? - Teacher drills. -Teacher uses CCQs to check understanding. For example, Is it good or bad thing? Is it easy to stop being addicted to something? Does heroin causes addiction? -Teacher warms up the students by asking them to work in pairs and discuss pre-prepared questions showed on the WB using the overhead projector. These questions are related to the context (future online and life changes). For example, 1) Why do you use the social media? 2) Are you addicted to social media? Do you know anyone who is? - Teacher gets feedback from students (two or three answers to each question).

Task (10-12 minutes) • Provide clarification and practice of model verbs.

-Teacher reminds students that they need the reading passage from the previous lesson to complete the next task. - Teacher uses the overhead projector to show the reading passage on the WB in case if any student losses his/her copy of the reading passage. - Teacher explains the adapted task: 1) They have to fold the handout (hiding the first set of questions not to be confused) 2) They have to find the missing word in each sentence by going back to the reading passage taken from Ss BK U 2.2, p17, Grammar ex. 1 (a copy of the adapted task attached to the lesson plan). -Teacher reminds students that they have to work in pairs. -Teacher gives the handouts to students. - Teacher gives an example to students on how to complete the task. *Students work in pairs to complete the task. - Teacher gets feedback from students and shows the correct answers on the WB using the overhead projector. - Teacher asks students to open the folded part of the paper and work in pairs to answer questions related to the previous task (the questions can be also found in the attached document). - Teacher asks students for feedback.

Language practice (6-7 minutes) • To check understanding

- Teacher asks students to work in pairs to answer questions d and e in handouts. - Teacher gives an example to student on how to complete each task. * students work together to answer the questions. - Teacher gets feedback from students.

Warmer/Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To get students out of the grammar mode and to get them warmed up to start the second part of the lesson (vocabulary).

-Teacher changes the places of the students using ''people wearing dark shirts move your places'' and other sentences. This activity helps teacher to get students warmed up for the next par of the lesson. It also gives students the opportunity to work with other partners in the coming tasks.

Introduce the vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To introduce new vocabulary used to express probability.

- Teacher first asks for four volunteers from the students. - Teacher gives each one of the volunteers a card with one of the words used to express probability (likely, unlikely, more likely and less likely). * Other students sitting down must help the volunteers lining up according to higher probability to less probability. * After seated students are able to help their friend line up correctly, teacher asks for one more volunteer and give him/her a card with another word that is used to express probability ''definitely'', and asks seated students to help him/her join the line according to the level of probability. * After seated students are able to help their friend line up correctly, teacher asks one of the students to be the sixth volunteer and give him/her a card with another word that is used to express probability ''may well'', and asks seated students to help him/her join the line according to the level of probability. * After seated students are able to help their friend line up correctly, teacher asks one of the students o be the last volunteer and give him a card with another word that is used to express probability ''probably'', and asks seated students to help him/her join the line according to the level of probability. - Teacher volunteered students to go back to their seats. - Teacher posts the cards with new vocabulary from most probable to less probable and drills. - Teacher asks CCQs to make sure that students understand the meaning of the words. For example, Does definitely mean that something is 100% to happen or 0% to happen?-Does probably mean that something is 100% to happen, 90% to happen or 50% to happen?- Does likely mean that something is 100% to happen or 50% to happen?) (Ss Bk suggests to introduce these new words using a short reading context, four new sentences and a question. Therefore, I think it is better to use the above mentioned activity''.

Task (6-7 minutes) • To give practice and clarity on how to use the new vocabulary.

- Teacher explains the task first. - Teacher gives an example on how to complete the first task. - Teacher asks students to work in pairs to answer the questions. * Students work in pairs to answer the questions. -Teacher gets feedback from students. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Teacher explains the task first. - Teacher gives an example on how to complete the second task. - Teacher asks students to answer the questions individually. * Students answer the questions individually. -Teacher gets feedback from students.

Speaking Foucuced Task (3-4 minutes) • To practice fluency

- Teacher gives students the question adapted from Ss Bk, p. 17, ex 4. - Teacher asks ICQs. For example, are you going to work individually? - Students discuss the question in pairs. - Teacher gets feedback from students.

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