Jeremy Schlichter Jeremy Schlichter

Beginner level


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of 'to be' sentences in the positive and negative and to form yes/no questions and short answers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide additional speaking practice and clarify any ponunciation errors of contractions


Establish Context (2-3 minutes) • Tie this lesson into the previous one and personalize the learning for the students

Introduction and personalization-Talk about trips and vacations Begin by placing maps of various countries on the board and begin a small discussion about where the students have traveled to. How many people here have been to another country before? Where did you go? Did you go with family or by yourself? Did you talk to your family or friends while you were away? In the previous lesson, Where did Dan and Sally go? While they were in Russia, they sent their friends an email. Let's look at two of the sentences in more detail.

Meaning of 'to be' sentences (4-5 minutes) • Verify students prior knowledge of 'to be' sentences and clarify any weaknesses

Students are given HO and instructed to work individually to answer the questions. They are just to answer the questions the best they can, accuracy isn't that important at this stage. After students complete the task, they can compare answers in groups of two. Feedback will be done as a class, using CCQs to clarify any potential trouble with meanings. -How do we know there is more than one restaurant? -How do you know they aren't in the hotel now?

Establish form (4-5 minutes) • Have students discover how to arrange 'to be' sentences on their own and clarify any hidden syntax rules

Students are instructed to unfold their HO and complete the second exercise. At this point, students should have little difficulty filling in the gaps. Have them check with a partner and then call students up to the WB one by one to fill in the answers. Don't acknowledge correct answer right away, but get the class's opinion on it first. Once sheet is taken up, ask CCQs to clarify some of the trickier behavior. -Is you used for one person? or mor than one person? (use some examples with the class to illustrate that it can be both singular and plural) -Can we say 'we're students'? How about [student 1] and [student 2]? Can we say [student 1] and [student 2]'re in class? -clarify how you cannot contract after names or nouns -Are they teachers? No, they are'nt. Is 'No, they're not' ok too? -point out that both contractions are acceptable

Pronunciation (4-5 minutes) • Ensure students are able to pronounce 're contractions and linking of words in marker sentences

-Draw chart on WB highlighting the difference between plural and singular forms of 'to be' -Call on students one by one to come up to the WB to write the contractions for the plural forms -Drill pronunciation of all 3 plural forms several times to ensure correct pronunciation -Drill marker sentence a) by backchaining, showing correct cadence and intonation

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • Have the students use their ability to ask questions and answers to complete the gap fill exercise

Students are given second HO and grouped as 'A' or 'B'. Tell the students that these couples are on vacation also (to maintain context) and that they need to find out more about them. Students must not show each other their forms, but ask their partner yes/no questions and plural 'be' questions in order to fill out the missing information. Will need to do a couple of examples first using student names in the class. Consider swapping pairs halfway through (group of 4). After students are done, they can compare their answers as a group, asking questions about anything they're unsure of. If students are having difficulties remembering sentences, can put more framework up on the WB

Feedback for Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • Get students to review what they've learned in a more active way

Class is divided into two teams (A+B). The teacher will ask a question about one couple, and then a representitive from each team will need to race to the WB to write the correct answer. The team that answers correctly scores a point. If game proves too easy, increase the challenge by making students answer in full sentences. Ask ample ICQs to ensure rules are understood before beginning. -How many people can write on the board at one time? -Can I look at the previous HO for help? -If I don't know, can my team tell me the answer?

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To get the students to use what they know to have a short dialogue with each other

Students will be given the final HO with one completed example on it. Students will be required to get up and talk to their fellow students to fill out as many names from the class as possible by asking the questions that were covered today (What is your name, What is your job, are you married, etc). When students are finished they can sit down, each piece of information collected will be one point. The student with the most points will be declared the winner. ICQs- Do I have to write? yes, Can I ask the same person twice? no. What do I do when I'm finished? Sit down. Will demonstrate with one student first

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