Banu Aslı Ergül Banu Aslı Ergül

Fame and fortune lesson; Gerund or Infinitive?
Upper-Intermediate, B2 level


During this lesson, the students will learn about ''Gerund or Infinitive'' through a guided discovery within a few quotations and then discuss about how they are used in a sentence with the help of some clear examples given by the teacher and after then have enough practice and production.


Abc Reading quotations and gap-fill HO
Abc enlarged photocopies of characters from the course book
Abc enlarged photocopies of quotations of famous people
Abc language summary notes
Abc answer key

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the grammar ( Gerund,Infinitive).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification,review and practice some specific vocabulary( verbs and phrases ) that are followed by an infinitive or a gerund.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

After daily greetings,T puts some photos of famous people on the WB and elicits some information about these people from the students( their names,age,nationality,job,etc......) Then she starts to tell a short story about Marilyn Monroe and tries to take the students' attention to the TL. After telling the story,T checks students understand ''prevent,recognise,achieve and immortality'' by eliciting a similar or opposite word.After then, T sticks some enlarged quotations from the coursebook that these characters have said very nearby the pictures on the WB by taking their attention on the context ( their pictures and the quotations of what they could have talked about )and the TL again to make the students ready for the next stage of learning.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows the HOs and gives them to the students first. Then T makes the students understand that they will read the quotations below in exercise 1 on the HO ( using some gestures and mimes and simple short sentences also) to allow them recognize the TL. and then answer the question ''Which do you like best?''in a minute on their own and discuss their answers in pairs( PW) in 2 minutes. Finally,T gets some answers from one or two pairs in front of the WC.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T writes two model examples on the WB; one for gerund and one for infinitive. E.g. I like dancing. / He decided to come. Then T highlights the verbs with to(infinitive) and -ing(gerund) on the WB and takes sts' attention to the TL by this way and checks students understand infinitive and gerund. T elicits what these model sentences refer to from the students.

Clarification (7-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T gives an instruction to the students that they will look at the quotations again( while giving the instructions,using mimes and gestures and clear short sentences again) and find examples in the text by underlining all the infinitive forms and circling all the gerunds in pairs in 2 minutes and then compare their answers with their partners in a minute. T.also adds that they can use a set of dictionaries if they want to get the meanings of the unknown words,verbs or phrases during this activity.Finally T checks answers with the WC. ( by asking the groups randomly) T draws two coloumns on the WB and write headings ''Coloumn 1: verb + to'' ''Coloumn 2: verb+ing'' then T explains briefly that some verbs need either to or ing after them and then shows some examples on the board under the coloumns. E.g. I enjoyed playing tennis. / I enjoyed to play tennis.( Incorrect) T allows the students recognize which verb is used in an incorrect form before giving the answer key. T also gives some other examples about verbs with infinitive( definitely) and the verbs with gerund( definitely) and also( infinitives without to) and the other phrases with infinitive and gerund on the WB. After then T retells her story about Marilyn Monroe but pauses after the first word of each underlined( writes the verb on the WB while retelling the story)chunk ( Marilyn Monroe was a beautiful young girl. One day she decided...............)----writes the bare infinitive of the next verb on the board ( be) and elicits from students which of the two forms ( to be or being)they think is correct. When there is an agreed answer,T puts the word in the correct column.( WC)

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Before controlled practicing,T writes down a question; ''Have you got what it takes to be a celebrity?''T elicits the students give out similar phrases or if they not,T gives some examples like; '' Are you the kind of person who can be a celebrity?'' ''Do you have the character/abilities necessary to be a celebrity?'' Then T makes the students look at exercise 1a on their HOs and try to complete the text with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets(with or without to) in 3 or 4 minutes on their own( T uses short and simple sentences for instructions and also mimes and gestures) T adds that the students can use their dictionaries and after they try a bit,if they have difficulty T refers them to the language summary on page 152( T delivers the summary outline to the students) When they have completed,T goes through the answers with the WC.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Before semi-controlled practicing, T asks students ''Which statements above do you associate with a potential celebrity?'' ''What about your opinions,thoughts to be a celebrity?'' T tries to be sure about whether they have understood the word ''potential'' or not by eliciting them say a similar word instead of potential and if they not; gives another similar word or opposite of potential to allow them to name it.Then T gives the students 2 minutes to discuss in pairs and tick the appropriate statements on the HOs. Finally,T checks the answers briefly as a whole class and asks sts to explain their choices.(WC)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T draws a speech bubble on the WB and writes a question in it like; ''Would you refuse to go to a club or restaurant that looked cheap or unfashionable?''as an example and draws students attention to there on the WB. Then T chooses a student and dramatizes a dialogue between him/her and the student( Ask and answer)to make the students guess what they are gonna do for the next stage.T gives the instruction that they will work together as groups,ask and answer to each other like the example to find out if he/she has got what it takes to be a celebrity but T gives them 2 minutes to build up their own questions before they start their dialogue first. If the students get difficulty about it,give some more examples such as; Do you like........? If there's time left, T allows the groups tell about their answers to each other.

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