Banu Aslı Ergül Banu Aslı Ergül

Vocabulary( adjectives with prepositions) and grammar ( model sentences with ''used to'' and reading skills
Upper-Intermediate, B2 level


During this lesson, students will learn about some adjectives and prepositions(particularly some new words and phrases as vocabulary)and also some model sentences with a phrase ''used to'' as grammar through a reading text. Students will be allowed to focus on reading skills.


Abc Choose the correct answer handout, reading text with discussion handout
Abc enlarged photocopy of a picture
Abc answer key

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification,review and practice some new vocabulary and grammar

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist,detailed and inference reading skills activities


Warmer/Lead-in (8-9 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

( 2min.)T draws pictures of her relative's life to show her present and past habits and routines. T elicits sentences in the present simple after her drawing such as; ( She's poor,She sleeps on the street .She only drinks water.She eats food from dustbins or present continous tense for present habits and routines.) In a different part of the board,T draws pictures showing her relative's past life and make the students understand that these things were true in the past------but not now. T elicits or model sentences such as;( She used to be rich.She used to live in a very very big house with a garden in it. She used to drive a car.) T also introduces ''didn't use to'' such as( She didn't use to have a dirty hair.) Then T makes students write three sentences individually about their friend's present and past habits or routines then in turns( PW) tell each other about their friends and if possible ask follow up questions. T gives out an example using dramatization with a student such as a dialogue like this; A: My friend Selin is always complaining about her job( habit) (referring to simple present continous sentence for present habits.) (2mins.) B:Really?Why? Then T asks pairs to tell the class about any friends they have that are similar. T writes down a title '' Feelings and Opinions'' on the WB and draws some face expressions to make the students recognize some new phrases and also uses her mimes and gestures for the other face expressions to allow the students understand what they are. T elicits some phrases such as; ( excited(of) sure(about),shocked(by),etc......)Then T gives out the HOs to the students by telling them to work on their own or in pairs and read and choose the correct prepositions in 1a in a minute. Then T gives the answer key to the students to allow them check their answers and then she checks the answers with the WC. ( While checking, T makes the students understand the meaning of all the adjectives and points out that some adjectives should be used within some particular prepositions like ''fond of and sick of ''and the ones that end in -ed are used with the preposition ''by''. T also focuses on the pronounciation of all the adjectives with prepositions by highlighting on the WB.( Modelling and drilling the adjectives with their prepositions)) ( 2 mins.) T makes the students look at exercise 1a again and tick the sentences that are true of them on their own for only 30 seconds and then work in pairs(PW) to discuss their thoughts by asking some follow-up questions in turns. E.g.A: I'm terrified of flying. B: Really?Why?/When was the last time you flew? Then T make the students share their ideas by using these new phrases. ( 2 mins.)

Pre-Reading/Listening (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T sticks a picture of a city on the WB and makes the students be engaged to the TL and the context. (Mexico City) T elicits some sentences by asking a question ( Which city do you think this is?Why?) to the students such as; '' Paris,London,Mexico City,Rome,etc......) by giving reasons for their ideas.( 1 min.) Then T makes the students look at exercise 2b on their HOs for 30 seconds to check some new words and phrases in a chart and guess what they mean for 30 seconds on their own and then makes the students work in groups ( 3 or 4 together)(GW) and tells them search the meanings of these by using dictionaries( T gives out a set of dictionaries to the groups)for 1min. Finally students check the meanings of the new words and phrases by telling what they are within WC and the teacher.( WC Activity)( 1 min) **T models and drills the words and phrases,highlighting especially the pronounciation of ''foreign, tortilla and pedestrian''.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

T writes down a question on the WB '' What does the writer think is the hardest thing to deal with in this city?'' and allows the students look at exercise 2c and read the instruction first and then the article for 2 mins on their own only to encourage them to read for gist to be able to answer the question by showing the the other half of the HO page to the students and dramatizing gist reading to make the students understand what they gonna do. T checks the answer with the class(the traffic)by having their answers and discussing. (WC)

While-Reading/Listening #2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

T makes the students look at exercise 3A and read the instruction first and read the article again on their own for a minute to be able to choose the correct options in exercise 3a.and then discuss their answers in pairs for a minute.Then T makes the students share their answers with the whole class. T gives the answers keys writing them on the WB.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T makes the students look at the exercise 3b and read the instruction first and then allows them be groups( 3 or 4 sts. together)(GW) and remind them read the questions and discuss them for 2 or 3 minutes. T also writes down these questions on the WB with colored markers. Finally T asks each group to share interesting ideas and experiences with the class. T also encourages the students use the new words and phrases and ''used to'' while they are discussing these three questions. ( Students can also discuss their opinions of the traffic in the city where they are now.)( 3 or 4 mins.)

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