Marlon Muraro Marlon Muraro

A1 level


In this lesson, Ss will learn about "the Teacher's life", through a listening activity, clarification of past simple grammar of some verbs, including the verb to be. Followed by writing sentences and getting ready to a meaningful practice of speaking with their own information.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of simple past affirmative of the verb to be, read, go, see in the context of "The Teacher's life"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in an exchange of personal information in the context of last week activities
  • To provide listening practice using a text about last week activities in the context of The Teacher's life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T-Ss, explain that you want to tell them about you, so, in PW, discuss, what do I like to do? where do I like to go? This simple task is meant to get the students involved with the context of the lesson that is about "the Teacher's Life". Here, they will discuss in pairs and summarise some ideas. possibly related to going out, cafes, clubs.... WCFB, T calls for some ideas.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

T tells them, "I want to tell you guys, but I need your help to complete my sentences" and write the first, and model sentence, on the white board, with gaps already, asking for their help to complete it. GW of 4. ICQ. Writing or talking? talking 1-3 min? 1m Here, they will get in contact with the model sentence. With the activity and discussing in groups they will help each to solve the gaps. Ss are likely to identify the right verb, but not the right tense. WCFB, gather some responses, wrong ones, explain that you will get back to this.

Task (15-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for them to understand through the context the target language.

GW of 4, T-S "I want to tell you more, but again I don't know all the words... I need your help once again to complete my sentences for me", chest the sentences, explain that T will read one sentence to each group, distribute face down the papers, get one spy from each group, explain what the spy can do. ICQs One person or all the group can move? one. Here the Ss will be working in groups to solve the exercise together, with some of the hints, they will have to search for the missing clues on the other tables. Exchanging information. And most important solving the gap fills and getting in contact with the target language. WCFB, T reads the stories so they can confirm if they got it right.

Language Analysis (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

To start this session, T will read his sentences again, but now ask them to focus on "when did it happen?" White board, with the first sentence writen, draw timeline, write the past verbs, went, was/were, read --- at the weekend (past) also write the dates of last weekend. Here, clarify present and past form, drill pronunciation, and clarify and drill, On Saturday, At the weekend. Here, Ss will confirm the meaning of the verbs they now know. Check the pronunciation and form.

Planning (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

T-Ss, now I want to know about you! If you can Write one sentence, with your personal info, follow the model, tell somewhere you went or some movie, tv you saw... first we write alone ICQ., then we will check. Write within the "frame": "At the weekend, I..." Ss will first write their sentences with their own examples. This personalization will help them to get motivated for the task. As they have the model sentence, it won't be a problem for them. Check in PWs before. Using the model sentence/structure get them to check their sentence is within the form.

Language Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Now we will stand up and tell other people about us! give them the wh question, "How was it?" divide class in half, form inner and outer circle, explains, clap hand move to the right, tell your sentences. First demo with one S. Ss will practise their sentences. This practice for fluency and accuracy will be very engaging for this kinaesthetic learners. WCFB - Ss tell about their peer.

Error Correction (2-2 minutes) • Perform some delayed error correction

T writes on the WB some possible mistakes you heard. "I was go/went to a bar" "At last weekend..." "I goed/readed..." A good way to close the class and make sure they understood the grammar points of the lesson.

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