amal fannush amal fannush

Teaching Practice 6
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn the past perfect tense through a guided discovery will be done in group work. They will do two controlled practice tasks about past perfect tense with practicing scanning reading in both and then semi-controlled practice through a speaking activity.


Abc Reading text and tasks handout 2
Abc Answer sheet 2
Abc Reading text and tasks handout 1
Abc Language reference handout
Abc Guided discovery handout
Abc Pair work activity handout
Abc Answer sheet 1

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of past perfect in the context of reading text entitled " Reincarnation ".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading in the context of Reincarnation "the story of Jenny Cockell"
  • To provide students with speaking practice using past simple and past perfect tenses


Presentation and clarification (8-10 minutes) • To present and clarify the form and the use of past perfect tense

Tell students they are going to read a sentence about one of the stories they have read in the previous lesson. Show them the handouts. Tell them to work in pairs. Tell them they are going to read the sentence and discuss the questions together and then try to complete the table. Tell them they have 3 minutes to finish. After they finish, get them to peer check their answers. Take the whole class feed back. Write the sentence on the board and draw a timeline for it. Explain the two tenses using the timeline on the board.

Reading practice 1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with scanning reading to answer a specific question about the text

Show Students the material. Get their attention to the question they need to answer after they finish reading. Tell them they have 3 minutes to finish. Give them the material. Let them start reading. After they finish, tell them to work in pairs or small groups to check their answers. Take the whole class feed back.

Controlled practice 1 (6-10 minutes) • To provide students with controlled practice to the past perfect tense

Put students in pairs. Tell them they are going to read the text again and underline the correct verb forms in each number. Tell them they have 4 minutes to finish. After they finish, get them to peer check their answers. Give them the answer sheet. Take whole class feed back.

Reading practice 2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with gist and scanning reading practice

Show students the material. Tell them they are going to read the second extract of the text " story ". Get their attention to the question they will answer after finishing reading. Tell them they have 2 minutes to read. Tell them to discuss their answers with the other students in the groups they are in. Take whole class feedback.

Controlled practice 2 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with more controlled practice to past perfect tense

Tell students to work in pairs. Tel them to go back to the second part of the text and rewrite the verbs between brackets in the correct form. Tell them they have 3 minutes to finish. Get them to peer check after they finish. Either give them answer sheets or get them to listen and check their answers. Take whole class feed back

speaking practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled speaking practice to the students in which they use the new grammatical tense they have learnt

Put students in different pairs. Show them the handouts. Tell them they are going to talk to each other about different feelings and situations. happened to them in the past. Tell them they have 3 minutes to finish. Take Whole class feed back

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