Banu Aslı Ergül Banu Aslı Ergül

Grammar / Articles ( The / A, An / Q (no article) )
Upper-Intermediate , B2 level


In this lesson,students will learn about the articles through a reading text with highlighted words in it and then review and practice with many different exercises such as categorising, complete the sentences,and for the pronounciation of the taught articles, some audio drilling exercises and speaking activities.


Abc Handout
Abc Categorising phrases with the articles HOs
Abc Audio Track / 2.26

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification , review and practice Grammar of ''Articles''

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification ,review and practice Vocabulary ( Pronounciation ''the'') and speaking skill using articles


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T writes the articles on the WB and underlines them with colored markers. Then T encourages Ss. to give out the differences between these articles or tell when they use articles or not.( Which article .............which noun?) After,having answers from the students,T doesn't write the correct answers immediately, she/he still keeps them thinking.

Test #1 (4-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T announces that she/he will make a test but without any score. She/he gives HOs to each student in the classroom about whether they can categorize the nouns according to the articles or without an article.T makes them work and discuss in pairs and gives them 2 minutes only. After then she takes their answers with their explanations as a WC activity and write the correct answers and whys on the WB.

Teach (8-10 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T takes students' answers with their explanations as a WC activity and writes the correct answers and whys on the WB. She/he draws a chart and writes some clear examples with or without the articles and clarifies the TL with different nouns and allows sts understand when and how they are used with these nouns or not with basic and short explanations by writing on the WB. Finally T asks Ss whether they remember or not the highlighted phrases in the reading text that they have read in the previous lesson. She/he lets Ss look at their HOs if they want and discuss about which article is used with which noun and why. ( In pairs)

Test #2 (10-12 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T again announces that she/he will make another test for a review of the articles. ( Without score) T shows new HOs at first and gives them the instruction to choose the best way to complete the sentences and then gives the HOs. She/he makes them work and discuss in groups at this time. ( 4 or 5 people for each group) T reminds sts that they can look at the board while they are doing their exercise.( the made chart by the teacher on the WB. ) She/he gives nearly 3 or 4 minutes to the students to finish up this activity. Then when they finish, T allows them to give out their answers as a WC activity and writes down the correct answers on the WB. and let them check their answers. Finally she/he makes Ss make their own sentences that begin ''Happiness is........'' with or without using the articles according to the nouns that they use in their sentences.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Before free practicing, T firstly allows sts listen an audio Track / 2.26 and makes them focus on two groups of words and recognize the difference of pronounciation of ''the'' between these groups of words. She/he reminds them look at their previous HOs to be able to follow up these groups of words. T drills and works on these words with the whole class.(WC) She/he also focuses on the pronounciation differences of the ''the'' between these two words groups. Then Ss are told to look at their HOs again and see another chart below the other previous one and look at it for only 20 seconds. Then T suddenly makes them turn over their HOs and try to remember as many of the phrases as possible in pairs.( PW) ( 1 minute is enough) After then T encourages the students to declare and drill these phrases and try to make up sentences about the likes and dislikes of these nationality groups( the phrases on the chart )T also gives an example such as; The Americans enjoy baseball,etc............ ( T can do this activity as a competitive game between the groups and give stickers to the group which have produced up more sentences.( 4 or 5 Mins.) Freer Activity: At the last session , T writes down 8 criterias on the WB. and she/he allows sts work in groups ( 4 or 5 people for each group) and put the phrases in order from 1 to 7 ( from most important to the least important according to themselves( to their own groups))Then T writes a question on the WB: '' Where do you think you would be the happiest?'' Finally T makes groups choose at least 3 countries that they prefer to live happily and remind the categories in audio activity( exercise 1) and tell the students discuss about what they know about these countries which they have chosen to each other in their groups.Before ending the lesson,T allows groups speak aloud and share about their thoughts within the class. (10 Mins.)

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