amal fannush amal fannush

Teaching Practice 5
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn face vocabulary and describing the face look vocabulary. They will learn them through a reading text. They will also practice the different ways of pronunciation of plural 's' /s/, /z/, /iz/.


Abc The reading article handout
Abc Audio CD Track 46
Abc Audio CD Track 48
Abc Answer sheet
Abc photoes
Abc Pronunciation tasks handout
Abc Tasks handout
Abc Audio CD Track 47

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of face words and describing face words in the context of reading about smile and different kinds of smiles, with providing pronunciation practice to the sounds /s/ /z/ and /iz/

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about smile in the context of face vocabulary


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Say good morning. Ask students to take a photo together. Ask all of them to smile to have a nice photo or ask them to say "cheese". After taking the photo, tell them that smile is very important to have a nice photo. Tell them that the lesson today will be about " Smile ".

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide the context of " smile " for the target language through a reading text.

Show students the material. Tell them they are going to read the words in the photograph. Tell them to read the text and fill the gaps with one of these words. explain that they are going to decide whether to use the singular and plural forms of the words. Tell them they have 4 minutes to finish. Put them in pairs or groups of three to check their answers. Give them answer sheets to make sure of their answers. Students listen to the article and check their answers and pronunciation to the new vocabulary Students repeat after the teacher to make sure of correct pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

New vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To introduce new vocabulary to the students

Show students the material. Tell them they are going to do task 3. Tell them to read the words in the box first . put them in pairs to do the task. Tell them they have 2 minutes to do it. Give them the handout. Let them start. After they finish, take whole class feed back. Go through all the words again and drill. Use pictures to clarify the meaning of each.

Sime-controlled practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and give students chance to practice and use the target language

Put students in groups of 3 or 4. Get their attention to no. 4 in the handouts. Tel them they have 3 minutes to finish. let them start. monitor closely and provide help when needed. after they finish, listen to of them.

Semi-controlled practice 2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide more chance for students to use the target language.

Students work at the same previous groups. get their attention to no 5 in the handout. tell them they are going to discuss these questions in their groups. tell them they have 2 minutes to do it. monitor and help when needed take whole class feed back. show them the photo of page 125. I may skip this stage if I feel there won't be enough time to finish the pronunciation tasks

controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To get the students focus on the different pronunciation of the "s" endings

Show students the material. get their attention to ex. 1 Tell them they are going to underline the different "s" sound in each one. get them listen take whole class feed back. If I feel they have problems doing the task, I will give them one or two more chances to listen again.

Controlled pronunciation practice 2 (6-8 minutes) • To get the students differentiate more between the three "s" endings /s/, /z/, /iz/

put Students in pairs. Get their attention to ex 2. in the handout they have with them. tell them they have 2 minutes to finish. monitor and help. after they finish, let them listen and check their answers and give them the answer sheet. then ask them the question in ex. 3 give them a minute to discuss it with a partner take whole class feed back.

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