Yasser Yasser

Pre intermediate level


In this lesson students read and answer a questionaire about being optimistc and pesimistic. In the second half of the class, students study and practice some verb patterns extracted from the reading text.


Abc Guided discovery (verb patterns)
Abc Find sb who
Abc Questionnaire result
Abc A questionnaire
Abc Verb patterns
Abc PPT (optimistic / pessimistic)

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about being optimistic / pessimistic in the context of Feelings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of verb patterns in the context of feelings


Lead-in (3 minutes) • To introduce the topic and engage students

Ss look at a photo of a glass of water on PPT. Teacher asks Ss what kind of people they are reminded of. (optimists & pessimists) they talk in pairs about who these people are? Feedback: T will listen to Ss

Pre-reading (8-10 minutes) • To pre-teach some new words before doing the questionnaire

T will pre-teach 6 words which may block their reading during while reading. T will give students examples and situations in order to elicit the words as well as asking concept checking questions scripted on the LA sheet. * look forward to * get over sth * inherit * unexpexted * afford * luxury

While reading (6-8 minutes) • To read a questionnaire and answer the questions

T will give Ss the questionnaire sheet and they answer individually, then they caculate their scores. T will give them the result sheet to check how optimistic or pessimistic they are. Next, students talk with each other about their result. Feedback: T listrns to a few students talking about what they learned about their partners.

Post reading (3-4 minutes) • To talk about themselves if they agree with the questionnaire

T will regroup Ss. They talk about themselves and answer these questions on the WB : 'Are you a pessimist or an optimist in your life? 'Why do you think so?' Feedback: T will listen to a few comments.

Focus on verb patters (guided discovery) (5 minutes) • To clarify the forms Which follow some verbs highlighted in this lesson

T will give Ss a guided discovery sheet about the verb patterns. First there is a gap fill in which they can find the anwers from the questionnaire. Feedback: WC Then teacher has Ss unfold their sheet. This section provides Ss with two options for each verb they are focusing and they choose the appropriate form. Feedback: GP and then WC

Controlled practice (5 minutes) • To provide Ss with limited practice of what they noticed in guided discovery

Ss are given a handout. There are six sentences in which tnere are two options for each verb and they have to underline the correct form following the specific verb. They work individually and tben check in pairs and finally WC feedback.

Semi-controlled practice (5 minutes) • To give Ss a chance to make the language a bit more personalized

T will have Ss use the completed sentences from the previous stage to make guesses about their partner. Then, they compare their guesses by asking each other questions. Feedback: T will listen to a few comments.

Freer practice (10 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to reuse the languge less restrictedly

Ss are given a find-somebody-who sheet. They should walk around the class and ask different people questions based on the language focus they already went through. T collects some errors and elicits correction on the WB after WC feedback

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