cagla cagla

Çağla TP5
A-1 level


In this lesson students will be introduced verb+s/es in third person singular of simple present tense. Students will first read about daily routines of two people working in a supermarket and next the TL will be presented. They will practice TL and also personalize it through out a discussion.


Abc Clock (picture)
Abc HO(Activity-1)
Abc Migros (picture)
Abc Salman and Carla (picture)
Abc daily routine (picture)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of TL(Verb+s/es) in the context of daily routine.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading and freer speaking practice of TL about ss' personal daily routine.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show a visual of daily routine. T will ask questions for ex: What do you do everyday? What time do you wake up? What time do you go to work? Elicit the meaning of daily routine through out the answers. T will show a visual of supermarket (Migros) and people working there.(Salman and Carla) T will elicit the opening and closing hours of Migros from Ss Elicit the expression "24 hour-supermarket" by a clock visual.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will chest the HO(1) including the text and questions. T will fold the page and tell ss to do the same (separate the text and questions) T will tell students first to read the text alone and then answer the questions in pairs.(PW) ICQ: Do we read alone?yes ICQ: Do we read first?yes 4 minutes will be given for reading and answering. Monitoring and error checking. T will write the answers on WB during WCF.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will elicit other verb expressions in the text from ss. (get up, go to work, start work,…) T will check that ss understand, if not show with gestures. T will monitor ss while reading and finding the other expressions. T will make a list on WB.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MODEL: 'He gets up' Meaning: CQ: Do I get up? no CQ: Do you get up? no CQ: Does he get up? yes Form: Aff: He/She gets up. Neg: He/She doesn't get up. Q: Who gets up? Highlight -s and-es endings. Pronunciation: Focus on /z/ and /ız/ endings of some verbs. Drill chorally.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will chest the HO(1) again. Ss will talk about what Salman does and when on this HO. Ss will work in pairs. 4 minutes will be set. ICQ: Do you write? No T will monitor and check errors. T will get the answers in turns for FB. T will complete the table of expressions which are elicited from ss on WB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will ask ss to do the same activity about Carla by showing them the HO(activity-1) SS will work in pairs. 5 minutes wil be set ICQ: Do you write? ICQ: Do you write about Salman? Monitoring and error checking. WCF.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will start a discussion about daily routines. Ss will personalize the context. T will change the pairs.T will write model questions: "When do you get up?","When do you go to work?" 5 minutes for discussion. T will monitor and check errors. For FB ss will tell about their pairs in turns.(What did you learn about your partner's daily routine?)

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