Johanna Kuhn Johanna Kuhn

Reading lesson on "Luck of the Draw"
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students read a text about lottery and its effects on winners, addicts, charities and public spending. Students read the text for gist detail; learn vocabulary related to that topic and practice the vocabulary and phrases in a freer speaking exercise at the end.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about Losers and winners in the context of Lottery and gambling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of risky activities in the context of lottery
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Lotteries in your country


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Preparation: write keywords on WB with phonemics and marking word stress Ask students to write their names on a sheet of paper and put it in front of their desks. Explain that we already did a getting to know you activity last week for those who were there, and that the rest of you will get to know me better in the coming weeks. Risky activities lead in: Form 3 groups (depending on student numbers). Show students pictures of risky activities on PPT or have handouts ready. Talk about these questions for each of the pictures in your group. Which have you done, which would you do? What do they have in common? Ask the opinion of the students. What do they have in common? Introduce the word "risky". => Why would you do any of these? Because they are fun. Because you can win money. Because you enjoy it. But they can also be dangerous. People do it anyway. What could happen if you did these? You could die, you could lose all your money, you could get sick. There is a .... (risk). Students will say that they are dangerous. Do you know another word for dangerous? Are you sure that something bad will happen? Could something good also happen? Yes. If students don't find the word I will write the first letter on the board and say that it has 5 letters (or 4, for the noun). Tell anecdote about when I won 300 Lira on a scratchcard. Say: The text that we are going to read today is about taking risks and winners/losers. Do you like playing the lottery? Have you ever won anything?

Pre-Reading/Listening (8-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Introduce vocabulary: "I know / don't know - 4 minutes Give them handout. Tell them to fold it and only look at the part with the table. - draw table on WB 3 columns: I know / I don't know / not sure - look at the vocab individually - decide if you know it or don't know it => in the meantime, write all of the words on the WB - speak to your partner. if you don't know it check with them if the partner knows it or not. If your partner knows it let him/her explain it to you. - if neither of you knows it: collect feedback in class and tick the words that they all know. Have them explain to each other it if someone from another group knew it. - if they don't know a vocabulary item, elicit. Drill vocabulary. Show the title of the article on the PPT. Ask, which of the words we just saw will appear in the text? What do you think? Think of a sentence including a word that may appear in the text. (with your partner). Now get some guesses from the class. 3 minutes

While-Reading/Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Reading for gist exercise: Ask them to read the article in 2 minutes alone. Were their predictions correct? Look at reading exercise on handout. Choose the best ending (1 and 2). After reading the article, make your choice and compare with your partner. What do you think? What is the best ending? Ask the class which was the best ending. Partner exercise: A-B groups. People in Group A make notes on who the lottery winners are and group B makes notes on who lottery losers are in your own words. Don't use the exact words as in the text. Explain this to your partner from group B. Ask the class for their opinions. T collects errors for delayed feedback.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Pre teach additional vocabulary that appears in the jumbled words exercise: The students have to fill in the gaps in each paragraph with jumbled words. (This will be more difficult than simply matching each paragraph with each phrase and can be made into a more communicative exercise) Get into 3 groups. (or 2, if not enough students). Tell them that they are going to distribute the phrases to the matching paragraphs. Glue the phrases to the piece of paper and write the numbers next to them as they appear in the corresponding paragraphs. Demo: Give them one example of a sentence that is written in the second paragraph: John is already planning to buy the pub - planning, John, already, the pub, is, to buy - write 2 for second paragraph. If they have problems with bringing the sentences into the right order they can get a clue from the teacher. Once they have done this, pin the papers to the WB and compare with the other group. At the end teacher displays the correct answers on the PPT. (note: I have adapted the sentences they need to match to the paragraphs as it might be too hard to unjumble them otherwise)

Post-Reading/Listening (9-11 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Think about what you would do if you won 1 million Lira in the lottery. Write down your ideas (3 things that you might do), and why. Then go around the classroom asking at least 2 other students what they would do if they won the lottery. T collects common mistakes. Delayed error correction - examples of good language. If there is time (5 minutes) then play lucky Bingo. procedure lucky bingo: distribute one word card to each student. Tell them I will read a text and when they hear a word they cross it out. Do one example: read the first sentence on the procedures game for that page. then ask them to hold up their word cards for those who found the word "risk". Alternatively write the word "risk" along with a few other words (bingo, language school, classroom, exercise) on the board, and read the first sentence - then cross it out myself.

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