Olga Olga

Reading and Lexis lesson
Pre-Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson students will practice scanning and reading for some specific information in the context of a text about names. The lesson will start with a lead-in conversation about names and discussion of a picture, it should motivate students to participate and move to reading section. After this, we will discuss some words that can be not familiar to students, then students will practice skimming the text and reading the same text more attentively. The next activity will be post-reading vocabulary exercises to practice collocations. To sum up the lesson there will be more personal, related to topic speaking exercise.


Main Aims

  • To provide scanning and detailed reading practice in the context of a text about names.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of collocations related to the topic "Choosing a name".
  • To provide practice of fluent speaking in dialogs and discussions in the context of names.


Greeting and lead-in. (5-7 minutes) • To warm up students, motivate them to participate, make them interested.

Ask students what is the first thing that we find out about a new person when we meet him or her, ask why names are so important. Give the students out the copies, divide them into groups of 4 ask them to look at the picture of a small girl. They will have 1 min to discuss how they would like to name this kid. In 1 minute every group should say which name they chose. Again, in group of 4, students should discuss and decide about their favorite names for a boy. Write those names on the whiteboard and ask students to vote personally for every name. Ask students if they know how their parents chose names for them or how they chose names for their own kids.

Making suggestions. (5-6 minutes) • To see if students know or have any ideas about common features of famous people in the exercise.

Give students a minute to look through names in the exercise, show photos of that people on the whiteboard and ask if students know these celebrities , what they can have in common. Students will be in groups of 4 again, they will have 1 minute to look through the text and discuss in their groups what those famous people can have in common.

Starting the reading part. (5-6 minutes) • To elicit meanings of some words from the text, that students may not to know.

Make "vocabulary area" on the whiteboard. Using visuals (pictures) elicit meanings of the following words:"glamorous", "fashionable", "embarrassing" and "religious". Check students` understanding of these words by asking "yes-no" questions about pictures.

Detailed reading. (10-12 minutes) • To give students practice of detailed reading.

Ask students to read the text again but this time they should read it attentively and find out why names of those famous people were written together. They will have about 3 minutes. Give students enough time (about 3-4 minutes) to discuss their answers in groups and present more detailed answers to the class. Explain the class why some names can be weird for English-speaking people, provide examples of Turkish names. Ask students if there are some Turkish names that they like and they don`t like.

Individual work with the exercise. (5-6 minutes) • To check how well every student understands the text.

Ask students to look through the exercise and tick or cross reasons for choosing the name that were mentioned in the article. They will have about 2 or 3 minutes to do it. Check answers with the class and ask if they can think about some other reasons.

Checking collocations, filling gaps exercise. (7-8 minutes) • To check if students can find out and recognise collocations correctly.

Students will work individually with the exercise, they will have around 3 minutes to fill gaps. Students will work in pairs for about 2 minutes and ask partners if some of those sentences are true for their partners. Ask students to tell the class what their partners told about statements that they discussed.

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