sinem koroglu sinem koroglu

TP 5
Intermediate. level


This lesson focuses on the use of past simple and past continuous tense. It starts with the lead-in to access Ss ability of the target language. Through guided discovery Ss can complete the grammar exercise 1 and 2. Followed by a speaking activity for Ss to produce the target language and develop speaking fluency. Delayed error correction will be the last stage to show Ss certain mistakes and how to improve their skills.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practise on the past simple and past continuous.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practise in describing pictures with follow up questions.


Lead-in. (4-6 minutes) • To assess their ability on the target language.

T introduces herself to the class. (Check Ss name's and try to learn them). Ask Ss what they learnt in the previous lesson. Begin to elicit the grammar use from the Ss by asking questions- "Where was he when he won the lottery?" "How did he learn that he won the lottery?". "What did the British Government do with lotteries?" This activity enables Ss to start producing the target language; past simple and past continuous. Choose different Ss to answer questions. Give Ss time to refer back to the text if they need it.

Grammar Exercise 1. (7-8 minutes) • To provide clarification of past simple and past continuous.

Show Ss a sentence from the lottery winners and losers text, "John was having a quiet drink when his winning numbers came up on the TV and he found out he'd won £17 million". Ask Ss, "What was he doing in the pub?", What did he win?". Elicit answers. Show second sentence, "When America was recovering from the Civil War, lotteries helped pay for more than 50 universities". Ask, "Who was recovering?" "Who helped pay and why?". Elicit answers from Ss. Through guided discovery get Ss to complete the grammar exercise. Give clear instructions and put Ss into pairs and then select Ss to give FB. For further clarification, show timelines on the board with past on the left and future on the right. Tell Ss you will use the timeline to represent sentences. Show the two sentences from the grammar exercise and ask Ss where the tenses would go on the timeline. Ask CCQ's "When was he watching TV?" "When was America recovering?". Select Ss to mark the tenses on the timeline and check with the class.

Reading for gist. (3-4 minutes) • To enable Ss to read for gist.

Explain to Ss that this part of the exercise contains two true stories and first they will read and try to understand the story. This enables Ss to familiarise with the story before starting the grammar exercise. Instruct Ss "Do not fill in the gaps, only read the two stories for now". Ask CCQ "Are you reading or writing for this exercise?". Monitor effectively and make sure Ss do not write and only read for gist. After reading ask Ss, "Were the people in the stories lucky?" "What did they win?".

Grammar Exercise 2. (8-9 minutes) • Provide Ss with controlled reading and grammar practise.

The Ss had time to read the stories, now instruct, "Put the verb in brackets into the past simple and past continuous". Ask, “Which verb forms/tenses will you use for this exercise?”, "Are you completing both of the stories". Put Ss into pairs and monitor the class and help where needed. Show the exercise on the board and once Ss are finished, nominate some to write the answers.

Speaking Exercise. (6-8 minutes) • To provide semi-controlled practise using the target language.

Give Ss some pictures and get them to make a story using the target language. Explain clearly and say- "look at the pictures and with your partner make up a story. Use the questions on the pictures to help you and think about how you can use the past simple and past continuous.". Firstly, demonstrate to the class and tell a story using the target language, using just a few sentences. Put Ss into pairs. Monitor the class effectively and make notes on errors, mistakes and pronunciation for the next stage. Help Ss if needed. If time permits, tell Ss to share their story with other partners in the class.

Feedback. (4-6 minutes) • To check Ss understanding on the content of the stories.

This is a short stage to enable Ss to give FB to the class. It also gives Ss an opportunity to practise their speaking again as they will tell their stories to the class. Select pairs to tell their story. If time permits Ss can form a group of 4 and share their stories. Check Ss understanding and praise them for good work.

Error correction. (3-4 minutes) • To provide Ss with delayed error correction.

T takes notes from the previous speaking activity and writes some incorrect sentences on the board. Ask Ss "Is this correct?" "What is the correct sentence?". Drill any mispronounced words from the previous stage. Elicit answers to show the correct sentences.

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