Ahmed Nouri Ahmed Nouri

TP 8 Ahmed Nouri
Elementary level


At the start of this lesson the students will listen to a conversation between two people talking about their cross Canada trip experience in the context of the holiday destination. The Ss will identify and tick some words and expressions they will hear. The Ss will practice using the past simple : was/were, in the affirmative, negative and question forms through some exercises in the context of holiday to canada. The Ss will have the opportunity to practice their speaking skills using was/were in sentences in the context of a holiday experience.


Abc Scrivener, J et al. (2006) Straightforward Elementary Teacher’s Book, Macmillan U: 5C p:71.72
Abc Straightforward: Clandfield, Lindsay(2006) Elementary Student's Book, Macmillan, Unit 5C, ps 56,57
Abc personal photos
Abc Google images
Abc Hand out
Abc Audio CD: 1.77

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the past tense of the verb be( was/were ) in the context of a holiday experience.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide an opportunity for the Ss to practice listening, reading and and speaking in the context of a holiday experience.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show the Ss some personal photos of my holiday experience in canada with my family. Ask The Ss: what you can see? Elicit the words: family,holiday. Ask the Ss: Where is this? Elicit the word: Canada.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T: give instructions to Ss: Listen again to the conversation between two people and tick the words and expressions you hear. ICQ: what are you going to do? Ss answer: we will listen and tick the words and expressions we hear. Give the Ss the HOs for the Ex 2 (CD: 1.77) Play the CD. The Ss tick the correct answers. Ss check with their partners. Feedback: check the answers with whole class.

Useful Language (12-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Clarify the meaning of was and were: Write the sentence on the board: it was cold highlight the word : was draw cline on the board. mark today in middle, last year at the beginning and tomorrow at the end of the cline. CCQs:T: is it cold today? Ss: no CCQs:T: where' was' will go on the cline? Ss: at the beginning. T : so was is used for the past. shops weren't open: CCQa: T: did he say the shops are close? Ss: no CCQs: T : Did he say the shops will close?Ss: no Ss: the shops were close. Ss the shops in the holiday place. T: Is it in the past or the present? Ss: in the past. T: So weren't is the negative form of were. were is used in the past, and weren't is the negative form of were: weren't is the contraction of the form : were not. Form: Was(n't) and were (n't) are the irregular past forms of the verb ( to be). We say : I/he/she/it: was(n't) and you/we/they : were(n't) In English: you is used for singular and plural. pronunciation: Was is pronounced with a schwa in affirmative sentences when it is unstressed: It was cold /ɪt//wɒz/ The shops were close /wɜr/ Modelling and drilling some examples of the dialogue. wasn't

Productive Task(s) (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Grammar EX1 T: give instructions: read the sentences, then make answers with the words in brackets. answer the first question: 1. We were in Dublin.(Glasgow) No, we weren't. We weren't. We were in Glasgow. CQs: what are you going to do? answer the first question: Ss read and make answers with the words in brackets. T: Give HOs Ss do the task in the EX 1: T: monitor, help the Ss in the task if they need it. Ss Check the answers with their partners. Grammar Ex 2: T look at the EX 2: complete the dialogue with was/wasn't, were/weren't Do the first example: Lara: This is Toronto. you can see the CN Tower there. ICQS: what you are going to do? Ss: complete the dialogue with was/wasn't, were/weren't Ss do the task. T: monitor.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

whole class feedback: T : check the answers with the Ss of the exercise 1 and 2: modelling drilling Error correction with whole class.

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