Ольга Сорочан Ольга Сорочан

Free time activities
Elementary level


In this lesson Ss will learn pharses and collocations in the context of free time activities. They will also listen to people talking about daily routines and have controlled and semi-controlled practice in the context set and practice using present simple (positive and interrogative) along with it.


Abc Redston, C. & Cunningham, G. (2005) face2face Elementary SsBk Cambridge pp 30-31
Abc Redston, C., Clark, R.. et al. (2005) face2face Elementary TsBk Cambridge
Abc Redston, C. with Cunningham, G. (2005) face2face Elementary WkBk Cambridge

Main Aims

  • To enable Ss to learn vocabulary related to time off and give them practice in using it

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable Ss to develop their speaking and listening (for specific information) skills in the context of daily routines


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss how they are. Uses flashcards with previously learned adjectives (relaxed, stressed, busy, tired). T introduces Ss to links 'day off', ''3 months off'' by linking them with 'tired'. Focuses Ss on the man in the picture in the coursebook. Ss works in pairs and discuss the questions on the board: Where is it? Who the man is? Who are Alison and Erin? T collects answers.

Listening for gist (5-5 minutes) • To enable Ss to understand the main idea of the text, prepare them for the next stage

Ss listen to the recording and check their ideas. T pre-teaches 'weather station' by writing it on board and eliciitng the meaning from Ss. Instruction (for listening): Listen and check your ideas about the picture. After listening, Ss discuss their answers in pairs, T collects feedback.

Listening for specific information (6-6 minutes) • To enable Ss to have more detailed understanding of the text

Ss listen again and encircle the correct answers in Ex 2a. Instruction 1: Look at Ex2 (show it). Read sentences 1-4. Instruction 2: Listen again, choose the correct answers. Ss listen, discuss the correct answers in pairs, T collects feedback.

Listening for specific information (5-6 minutes) • To give Ss practice in listening for specific information

Ss share ideas about what, they think, Paul does in his free time. Ss listen to find out what Paul does in his free time. Insruction: Listen and check. Write activities Paul does in his free time. Ss listen to Ex. 3, check answers in pairs, T collects feedback.

Vocabulary presentation (10-10 minutes) • To deal with TL, address MFP

Ss are given the scripts of the recording, underline pharses connected with free time activities. Instruction: Here is the text of the recording about Paul. Underline (T shows) activities which Paul does and does not do in his free time (writes on board 'does' and 'does not do'). Take on minute. Ss work in teams of three-four and share their findings, T collects feedback, writes the vocabulary on the board T then works with the vocabulary elicited on the board, drills pronunciation chorally and individually, clarifies the meaning when necessary (visuals, miming, CCQ). T asks students to find new activites to add to the ones on the board in Ex1. Drills them, clarifies the meaning as described above.

Controlled practice activity (5-5 minutes) • To make sure Ss use vocabulary accurately

Ss work in pairs and do Ex 1 b. Instruction: Work in pairs ask questions about your partner's free time activities. T gives a model on the board. Prior to this, T also writes frequency adverbs on the board, shows how they should be used in the model. At the end, T collects whole class feedback.

Semi-controlled speaking activity (7-7 minutes) • To enable Ss to have more freer speaking practice with TL

Every S is given a slip of paper with his group-mate's name. They do Ex 9 p 31 and complete the sentences about their group-mate. Instruction: Here are sentences. Think about the person on your slip of paper. Complete the sentences about him/her. Ss complete the sentences, get together and ask each other. Prior, T gives a model on the board. When finished, T wraps the lesson up, thanks for work.

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