Dania Lucia Rodriguez Mejia Dania Lucia Rodriguez Mejia

Life's beach
Upper- intermediate, B2 level


In this lesson, SS will be engaged in R focused in the comprehension of an online magazine article about the top three beaches in the world. In the beginning of the lesson, SS will get the context from pictures showed in the OHP and from a short listening. As a pre-reading they write ideas about the topic as a brainstorm. This is followed by a receptive sub-skill development work of skimming for an overall idea. And in a second part, scanning for specific information related to the article in the context of a team competition. As a third activity, they will learn collocations as new vocabulary. At the end, they will do a writing activity use the new vocabulary based on the theme of the lesson and what they understood from the text.


Abc 1a Article: The best three beaches in the world
Abc Pictures - OHP
Abc Audio: The world's best beach
Abc 3a Collocations - Vocab
Abc 1b Best description
Abc 4a Email
Abc 2a Team competition

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about the best beaches in the world in the context of online magazine article.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a email in the context of telling a friend about one of the best beaches in the world.
  • To provide review and clarification of collocations that are used to talk about beaches.


Stage( Warmer/Lead-in) (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students by creating interest in the topic using a picture work and a quick listening activity.

- Have the OHP ready with pictures of beaches to display. - Introduce the lesson by asking the SS to look at the pictures that will be displayed and elicit from them what the pictures are about. . Can you tell me what are we looking at? . What are these pictures about? (Beach, summer, sea, ocean) - Tell the SS that they will listen to a recording that talks about Pete Shannon who tralleved round the world to look for the best beach. Ask them to listen carefully to the qualities, in this case, good things that Pete looked for in a beach. - ICQ: Are you going to listen to good things or bad things about a beach? Good things. - Play the recording. - Get FB ( The qualities he looked for in a beach were that it was clean, had good waves, was sunny all day with a light breeze and wasn´t too crowded).

Stage 2 (Pre-Reading) (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text, by writing about the topic to activate schemata and start running the skill development process.

-PW: Ask the SS to think about what they like about a beach, get some ideas and make a short list together. Trying to remember a beach they have visited before can help them -Monitors closely. - Get FB: Nominate some SS to go to the white board and write some ideas.

Stage 3 (While-Reading 1- Skimming sub-skill) (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice in reading for gist.

- Grouping. Change groups (3 or 4 groups of 4 people) Teams (snorkeling, diving, sailing, swimming) - Tell the SS they will be given an article from a online magazine that shows Pete Shannon's top three beaches, and in a different paper, a list of 5 sentences. - Ask them to read the text alone and choose the sentence which best describes each place. Clarify that there are 2 sentences they don´t need. -ICQ's: Are you reading alone? Yes. How many sentences are you going to choose for each place? One. -Give 1a HO and 1b HO -GW: check answers in their groups. -Monitor closely during the first part and in the group checking to get an idea on how much they could understand. -Get quick FB asking why the chose that description.

Stage 4 (While-Reading - 2 Scanning sub-skill) (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with practice in looking for specific information in a text

- Team competition: Tell the SS we are playing a game now and they will have to work in groups. - The T will read a fact or a sentence about one the beaches, they have to look in their texts and find it. If one of them find the fact in the text, they have to shout the word: SUMMER, and tell to the class to which beach that fact belongs to. - If they do it correctly they score a point for their group. - At the end, give them 2a HO with the list of the facts and descriptions.

Stage 5 (While-Reading 3- Reading for details) (5-7 minutes) • To provide the SS with new vocabulary in the context of describing a beach

- Tell the SS they will be given a paper with a list of words, the same that are highlighted in the text. Explain that the words are collocations: words that are used together. In this case, an adjective + a noun, where the adjective gives a description of the noun, and together they form a compound noun that acts as a single unit. - PW: Tell them, in pairs they will have to match the adjectives with their meaning and complete the new phrases with the noun. Remind them that reading the words in the text will help them. -Give HO 2b, and ask them to look at the example (Crystal clear water) -CCQ´s for each one in necessary. Elicit the correct form from the SS: The adjective goes first, followed by the noun, and drill the pronunciation.

Post-Reading: Writing (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- Grouping: 3 groups (the Waikiki group, the Cancun group, the Ihuru group). -Tell the SS to imagine they have visited one of the beaches ( the one in the name of the group). And they have to write a short email to their friends suggesting them to go there on holidays. -Tell them to use their notes about the things they liked that they made in the beginning of the class, used the new vocabulary, the collocations, they have learned, and not forget about checking ideas from the text -Give 3a HO. -Monitor closely, correcting errors on the spot. -Take notes of misuses of the vocabulary or any other mistake that is worth noticing. -When they finish with the task, ask them to stick their emails in the walls. -Ask them to mingle and read every email.

Error correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language.

- Error correction of the TL. - If there are common mistakes with the target language, write them in the board and elicit from students the correct form by asking: What is wrong with these sentences? If needed, some of the vocabulary will be reviewed again.

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