Michelle Graham Michelle Graham

Teaching Practice 6a - NIGHT AND DAY
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will learn how to describe their typical routines, using new grammar and vocabulary. The lesson starts with a review of verbs/verbal phrases (e.g. eat, drink, have breakfast, wake up, go to bed, etc.) and expressions for times of the day (e.g. morning, afternoon, evening). Then the adverbs of frequency are introduced. Students will get speaking practice, asking each other questions about their daily habits.


Abc Poster putty
Abc Whiteboard, dry erase markers
Abc Moon and sun cards
Abc Daily routine verbal phrases on paper slips
Abc Mike's routine HO
Abc Detailed daily activities on coloured slips of paper
Abc Audio recording 1.86
Abc Audio recording 1.87
Abc Audio recording 1.88
Abc Adverb partners T/F HO
Abc Classroom survey cards

Main Aims

  • GRAMMAR: To provide clarification, review, and practice of adverbs of frequency in the context of daily routines and habits.

Subsidiary Aims

  • SPEAKING: To provide fluency and accuracy practice, using adverbs of frequency, times of day, and verbs describing daily habits.


STAGE 1 (Lead In/Create Context) (6-7 minutes) • To review the new lexis (morning/afternoon/evening and 'daily habit' verbs) and to get students thinking about how often people do these daily activities.

- T asks students to identify if they are a morning person (early bird) or night person (night owl), based on the last activity from slot 1 - T gives moon cards to night owls and sun cards to early birds and creates new small groups of 3-4 Ss - Once Ss are seated next to their new partners, T draws a horizon on the WB with a sunrise, high noon, sunset, and moon. T elicits the following phrases: * in the (early/late) morning * at noon * in the (early/late) afternoon * in the (early) evening * (late) at night * at midnight - T informs Ss that she is a night owl and then tells Ss to guess at what times of day she usually does the following activities: * wake up * eat breakfast * drink coffee * go to work/school * eat lunch * eat dinner * go to bed - Ss are given a slip of paper with one of these verbal phrases, they discuss their thoughts with their group about when the T does this action, then they go to the WB and stick the slip in the appropriate place on the horizon - T praises and gives FB, then she removes the slips of paper of activities that she never does and says, "I don't eat breakfast." and "I don't drink coffee."

STAGE 2 (Introduce/elicit adverbs of frequency) (8-10 minutes) • To provide clarification of adverbs of frequency and to give Ss practice putting together sentences using them

- After T removes 'eat breakfast' and 'drink coffee' slips from WB, she draws a zero and elicits the word 'never' from Ss - T adds a % to 0 and then draws a chart with 100% at the top and 0% at the bottom, then elicits the word 'always' - T writes other percentages (70-90%, 30-50%, 10%) and elicits/provides remaining adverbs of frequency: usually/often, sometimes, hardly ever - T elicits sentences using the verbal phrases along the horizon and asks Ss to repeat them, then drills with backchaining - T writes sentences on the WB and elicits the form - T distributes Mike's Routine HO with six sentences to each pair and then asks them to work together to create the correct sentences using adverbs of frequency, T monitors pairs - T plays track 1.86 and asks Ss to correct their sentences

STAGE 3 (Ss create their own sentences with adverbs of frequency) (5-7 minutes) • To give Ss practice creating original sentences using adverb of frequency to describe their own routines-

- T fans out coloured slips of paper with more detailed activities (e.g. wake up before 6:30 in the morning on Saturday) and holds them out for Ss to pick a colour - Ss are grouped together with other Ss of the same colour - Ss must work together to come up with original sentences using the phrase on their slip of paper, then practise saying their sentences to the rest of the group - T monitors and takes notes - T nominates Ss to read their sentences, gives FB and praise - If there is an error, T writes sentence on the board and asks WC to correct

Stage 4 (Pronunciation) (3-6 minutes) • To give Ss practice pronouncing the different vowel sounds and full sentences with recently-learned lexis and grammar

- T says the following sounds and words, asking Ss to look closely at her mouth - Ss repeat, T drills 2-3 times for each sound - choral drilling and nominating of individual Ss - T asks Ss to listen first and plays audio track 1.88, then she plays it again and asks students to repeat the sentences - T drills and does backchaining with Ss

STAGE 5 (Adverb partner guessing game) (7-8 minutes) • To give Ss practice asking questions about their partners' daily routines

- T pairs up partners sitting next to each other. - T asks all Ss to hold up their sun or moon card to indicate if they are night owls or early birds. - T asks Ss to think about their night owl/early bird partner and make guesses about their daily habits. - T holds up adverb partners A & B worksheets and tells Ss that they will circle the adverbs that they have guessed about their partners and to raise their hands when they are finished - T elicits yes/no questions and answers about adverbs of frequency * E.g. Do you get up before 6:00 in the morning? (Yes, I do. I always get up before 6. / No, I don't usually get up before 8:00.) - T instructs Ss to use the correct question form to ask their partners if they guessed correctly, then mark T or F on the sheet - T gives praise and FB, provides correction as needed

STAGE 6 (OPTIONAL CONSOLIDATION Classroom survey mingle activity) (4-7 minutes) • To give Ss a mingle activity in which they can practice asking questions about their classmates' regular habits

(If time...) - T reviews yes/no question form and show Ss how to form the right questions using the underlined information on the survey cards - T holds up the survey cards and instructs Ss to ask a classmate about the activity on the card. If the student says yes, make a tick mark on the card. - T asks Ss to stand up and hands a card to each, then asks them to start mingling - T writes the letters A - L on the board - At the end of the mingle activity, T asks how many students answered yes to the questions on the survey cards and makes a tally on the board next to each letter - T gives FB, praise, and correction

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