Stephanie Guler Stephanie Guler

Elementary (A1+) level


In this lesson Ss practice skim and detail reading in the context of created capital cities. Wh- question words (what? where? how old? why? when?) will also be reviewed and practiced using the same context. Ss will also have the opportunity to have semi-controlled (and if time, freer) speaking practice using the same context of created capital cities.


Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice (skim and detailed) in the context of created capital cities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice Wh- question words (what, where, how old, why, when)


Lead In (2-3 minutes) • Introduce and engage Ss in the topic of capital cities

Show Ss a photo of Anitkabir in Ankara on projector. Ask Ss, "What is this place?" (Anitkabir) "What city is this in?" (Ankara) "Ankara is the...(capital) of Turkey" Try to elicit capital from Ss. If they don't understand, ask "Is Ankara the capital of Turkey?" "Do you know any other capital cities?"

Pre-Reading (3-4 minutes) • Pre-teach vocab from this lesson's reading text (create, geographical, political)

T shows each word and related photos on the projector.T elicits from Ss the meaning of these words to check if Ss have knowledge of this already. To clarify meaning, T elicits from Ss what they see in the photos, and then T connects photos to the word. T should also ask Ss CCQs to check understanding.

Reading Exercise 1: Skim Reading (4-5 minutes) • To provide timed practice of skim reading

Show Ss questions on projector: What is a created capital? What is the name of the city? What country is it in? Explain to Ss that they will read a text (show them HO first). Tell Ss they have 1 minute to read and find the answers to the questions (point to the questions on board). Instruct Ss to write their answers on HO. Pass out HO face down and remind Ss not to look until T says go. Give Ss a clear start/stop signal (T should use a stopwatch). Have Ss check their answers in pairs. Elicit answers from Ss in WC FB. T can write Ss' short form responses on board.

Reading Exercise 2: Reading for Detail (7-8 minutes) • To provide detailed reading practice

Show exercise 3 page 20 on projector. Explain to Ss they will read the text again and answer the questions in pairs. Do the first question with Ss on board. Have Ss check their answers with their partner. For an alternative to WC FB, T will put the 6 answers to the questions on the wall around the classroom, and ask Ss to get up and check their answers with their classmates.

Grammar Practice: Wh-questions (14-15 minutes) • To review and provide practice of Wh-questions (what, where, how, why, when)

Show the Wh-questions slide to Ss on projector. Ask Ss to complete the missing words in the first two questions: (Where) is Astana? (What) is the population? Then, T can introduce the different Wh-question forms and how they are used. Explain that Wh-questions allow you to find out more information about different topics. Elicit answers from Ss as much as possible. Example: What - things (What is your favorite food?) Where - locations (Where is he going?) How old - age (How old are you? How old is your baby?) Why - reason (Why are you laughing?) When - time (When are we eating?) Elicit examples for each of the forms from Ss to see if they can discover the sentence structure themselves. Show them exercise 2 page 21 on projector. Explain to Ss that they will practice using the questions they just learned. Nominate a S to read the instructions ( Circle the correct option). Complete the first question with WC. Ask Ss ICQs to check understanding: Are you going to circle the correct option? (Yes) Give Ss HO and ask Ss to fold it in half, showing them the side they will work on. Have them complete the task with a different partner before reviewing answers in WC FB. Nominate Ss to read the questions and provide answers. Show Ss exercise 3 page 139 on projector. Nominate a S to read the instructions, then complete the first question as WC. Ask ICQs to check understanding: Will you use these words (point to words on board) to complete the question? (yes) Will you answer the questions or think about them? (answer the questions). Tell Ss to flip over their paper (demonstrate this) to reveal the activity. Have Ss work in same pairs. If Ss finish early, ask them to quietly ask and answer the questions together. Do WC FB by nominating Ss to provide the answers (T can fill them in on the board) and T can also have Ss answer each question.

Semi-Controlled Speaking Exercise (7-8 minutes) • To provide controlled speaking practice of the target language

Explain to Ss that Astana and Washington DC aren't the only created capitals in the world. Tell Ss they will read about two more created capital cities. Create new pairs (A, B) and give out reading HO. Instruct Ss to read alone and then ask their partner about the new city. T should instruct Ss to face each other so they don't see their partner's questions. Show Ss the prompt questions on HO and instruct them to write down their partners' answers. Monitor and collect errors while Ss are speaking. Have Ss check their answers with their partner, and then T can lead WC FB. Nominate Ss to provide answers to the questions (Brasillia then Canberra).

Freer Speaking Exercise (4-5 minutes) • To develop Ss speaking skills using the target language

If there is time, explain to Ss that they will do some more speaking practice. Show Ss the question on the projector and nominate a S to read the instructions. Give Ss an example of most important and least important item (For me, Nice weather would be 1 - write on board - and shopping centers would be 6). Ask Ss to write their lists and discuss with a partner. Monitor Ss and collect errors for WC FB. During FB, nominate one or two Ss to tell their most important item and why. If there's time left, do delayed error correction.

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