saeed.y saeed.y

Payam Session plan
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be working on an important and a bit complicated but easy grammar of something, anything, nothing,etc. through a PPP lesson and afterwards will learn and revise adjectives associated with describing the feelings of people, things and situations through the context of ‘describing a lost weekend’ by reading a related text. To start the lesson off, we will listen to a news story about someone’s weekend followed by a PW activity that involves the class discussing some questions related to the story. Teacher will then present the grammar on the WB and elicit understanding. After working on the grammar part and giving the students sufficient time to practice and produce the target language, the lesson will continue with a reading text in the same context and will help to contextualize the vocabulary that have been taught subsequently in the pre-reading section of the lesson. The lesson will be rounded off with FB and a review of and problems that arise.


Abc Audio file -2.32
Abc HO 1
Abc Audio file -2.33
Abc HO2
Abc AEF- CB Pg.132
Abc AEF- WB Pg.28
Abc HO 3
Abc Audio file -2.32

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of indefinite pronouns 'something, anything, nothing, etc.' in the context of describing a lost weekend.
  • To provide clarification, review and practice of adjectives ending -ed and -ing in the context of describing a lost weekend

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and deduction listening practice using a text about weekend activities in the context of the lost weekend
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of 'describing a weekend'


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As a Lead-in activity, which is to engage the students and activate the class at the start of the lesson, I will ask them some questions about their weekends and try to find out what they were doing during that time and ask them to share with the class if there is anything interesting about their weekend.(3min)

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

At this stage, I will give Ss HO1 which consists of some questions about both the listening and some other questions relevant to the topic that help personalizing the topic and engage Ss. After giving them the HO, students will firstly be instructed to read the questions, then listen to a text and afterwards I will instruct them to answer the questions and discuss them in pairs with their partners.(6min) Next, we will have a WC feedback and will move to the next stage.(2min) Questions: What does Steve do? How did he spend his weekend? Are you happy with a two-day weekend or should it be three days? What do you usually do on your weekends? How do you feel the evening before the weekend starts?

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Now, I will use the marker sentences that I have written on the board while Ss were listening to the Audio file in the previous stage and draw their attention to the board, then try to elicit the words which are related to the TL and will fill the gaps with them. Afterwards we will listen to Audio file - 2.33 and check if the answers were correct.(2min) Sentences: - I pressed the button again but --------------- happened. - The police couldn't find him -------------------- . - they called the emergency number and ------------------ came and repaired the elevator.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

In order to clarify the meaning and the form of the TL and also activating their schemata, I will give them a gap-fill HO that has some grammatical rules on it. Ss should first do the task individually to boost their self-autonomy(3min), then I will instruct them to check their answers in pairs with their partners;HO2.(3min) Afterwards, we will have WC feedback to provide them with the correct answers, then I will ask the Ss to stand up facing the WB and will practice the pronunciation of the TL in using back chaining by the means of marker sentences that have been written on the WB .(2min) Complete the sentences with People, Places or Things. 1- Use something, anything and nothing for …………………… 2- Use somebody, anybody and nobody for ……………………. 3- Use somewhere, anywhere and nowhere for ……………….. Complete the sentences with Positive(+) or Negative(-). 1- Use somebody/someone, something, somewhere with a ………………. verb when you don’t say exactly who, what or where. 2- Use anybody/anyone, anything, anywhere in questions or with a …………………… verb. 3- Use nobody/no one, nothing, nowhere in short answers or with a ………………….. verb.

Controlled Practice - Semi-controlled practice (16-18 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

To provide Ss with controlled and semi-controlled practices, I will use the course book and the workbook . I will pair them up and ask them to open their books to page 132 of their and will instruct them to answer part 4C(a,b,c) one after another with a peer check and WC feedback following each.(8min) Next practice for them will be done in the form of a group work activity in which Ss will answer parts 1a, 1b of their WB in groups with other peers. After each part, we have a FB from each group then compare answers and provide them with correct answers.(8min)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

To have a productive skill, I will give them a HO with some questions on it. I will ask them to mingle and answer the questions orally only using negative responses. Then after a while Ss will sit down and we will have a delayed error correction.(8min)

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