Stephanie Guler Stephanie Guler

Elementary (A1+) level


In this lesson, students will practice speaking and listening in the context of website and email addresses. Students will also be provided practice of listening for specific detail. They will listen to conversations and practice collecting personal information (eg name spelling, telephone number, email address, home address).


Main Aims

  • To provide speaking practice of website and email addresses in the context of real-world situations (checking into a hotel, seeing a doctor).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of listening for specific detail in the context of collecting personal information (name, telephone number, email address, home address).


Lead In (2-3 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic of email and web addresses.

T asks Ss, "Hands up. How many of you use the internet? What do you use it for?" Elicit answers from Ss. If they don't mention email addresses, T can ask Ss, "Do you have an email address? Who do you send emails to?"

Vocabulary Ex. 1 - Dictation (6-7 minutes) • To have Ss practice listening for detail

T says to Ss,"Now we will practice listening and writing email and website addresses. Let's do the first one together. I want you to listen to me (gesture). Write what you hear (point to HO)". T gives Ss HO. T reads the first email address from pg 12, vocabulary ex. 1. T monitors Ss to make sure they are writing. If some Ss aren't writing, T should clarify that they must write the address after they hear it. After completing the dictation, have Ss check their answers in pairs, and then nominate Ss to write their answers on the board. Elicit from Ss what these are (website and email addresses)

Vocabulary Ex. 2 - Symbols (@, . , www , / ) (2-3 minutes) • To practice pronunciation of web/email address symbols

T can use the previous activity's answers on the board for this exercise. 1. Circle the @ symbol and elicit pronunciation from Ss (How do you say this?). T should model pronunciation first and then drill Ss chorally. Put the pronunciation in context by having Ss repeat the email or web address out loud (jennyatbritmail) 2. Circle the . symbol and elicit pronunciation from Ss. T should model pronunciation first and then drill Ss chorally. Put the pronunciation in context by having Ss repeat the email or web address out loud (dot com, dot co dot uk) 3. Circle www and elicit pronunciation from Ss. T should model pronunciation first and then drill Ss chorally. Put the pronunciation in context by having Ss repeat the email or web address out loud (www, 4. Circle the / symbol and elicit pronunciation from Ss. T should model pronunciation first and then drill Ss chorally. Put the pronunciation in context by having Ss repeat the email or web address out loud ( slash sport)

Vocabulary Ex. 3 - Speaking and Listening (6-7 minutes) • To practice speaking and listening to email and website addresses.

T explains to Ss that they will practice saying email and website addresses. Write and email address and web address on a piece of paper ( and T shows Ss the HO and nominates a S to demonstrate the activity in front of the class with T. Then T gives Ss the HO and puts them in pairs. T instructs Ss to sit facing each other. T should mention that Ss do not look at their partner's paper. T gives Ss 4 minutes to complete the activity. While monitoring, T can collect errors and review them in whole class feedback. After Ss finish the activity, T instructs Ss to check answers with their partner. Then, T nominates Ss to write their answers on the board.

Listening Exercise 1 - Gist Listening (4-5 minutes) • To listen for a general understanding of the two conversations.

Lead In: T puts Listening Ex. 1 Photos on projector. T asks Ss to look at the photos and elicit the location of each one (Where is this place?). T explains to Ss that they will listen to two conversations. Tell Ss to think about the location of each conversation. Explain that it isn't important to understand the other information. Ask Ss, "What are you listening for?" (Locations) After listening, give Ss a minute to discuss their answers in pairs. The T can elicit from Ss the location of each conversation (1. hotel reception 2. hospital admissions desk).

Listening Exercise 2 - Listening for Detail (11-12 minutes) • To listen for a more detailed understanding of the two conversations.

T shows Ss Listening Ex. 2 HO on projector. Elicit what type of information Ss need to listen for and write down (eg nights is a number - the number of nights the Steinbecks will stay at the hotel). T gives HO to Ss and instructs them to fold it on the line (demonstrate this). Say "We will look at this side only". T says to Ss "We will listen to the text again. Write down the information (point to HO)". T plays the two conversations and Ss complete the HO. Have Ss check their answers in pairs. T should monitor Ss during peer check to see if they need to listen a second time. If Ss need another listen, T should point out what they need to listen for this time around. After playing the text, T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs. Elicit answers from Ss in whole class feedback. Finally ask Ss, "What was the problem in the second conversation?" Elicit responses from Ss (His wife was having a baby).

Follow Up Productive Skills Activity - Speaking (7-8 minutes) • To develop Ss speaking skills in the context of hotels and hospitals

Show Ss Speaking Exercise HO on projector. Nominate Ss to read the questions and ask for one example response (if there's time). T picks up HO and shows it to Ss. T instructs them to turn it over so they can see the questions (demonstrate this). Then T puts Ss in different pairs and asks them to answer the questions and discuss with their partner for 3 minutes. If there is time, T can put Ss in different pairs, and they can answer the questions again. During monitoring, collect errors, and if there is time, review them in whole class feedback. After Ss are finished discussing, nominate a few Ss to share their partner's responses to check for listening.

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