Josephine Percy Wesley Josephine Percy Wesley

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practise listening for main idea and then they will try to reproduce what they heard through free speaking.


Abc pictures for the storyboard, pictures for setting the context

Main Aims

  • Students will have practised listening for main idea in the context of alternative medicine

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise free speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (0-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Prior to the class time,stick pictures of various types of alternative medicine on the walls. Give two sets of names of alternative medicine to work in groups. Ask ss to go around and recognise the type of medicine and stick it below the picture.

Pre-Listening (0-17 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre teach vocabulary. Elicit the word from the students using definitions or visuals. For every word, follow MPF and then drill it. Alternative Medicine- Medicine that uses different methods other than the conventional western medicine. awful - unpleasant determined - a strong will to do something you have decided upon. ache - pain disease - illness energy - physical power or strength miracle - an event that cannot be explained as natural but as an act of God. swear - To make a promise Check the key language - Retain all the words on the board. In pairs, ask ss to take turns - choose a word - define it and ask the pair to identify the correct word. Demonstrate the first one with a student.

While Listening (0-12 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging task of listening for the main idea

Now change the pairs. /activity 1 After they settle down, tell them about the listening activity. While listening to the story, they have to arrange the pictures in order. Give them time to study the pictures and predict the order. While listening, let them arrange. Tell the pairs to check other pairs. Meanwhile monitor. Then play the recording again. Arrange it on board. Let students take turn to put it on board. Activity 2 Tell the students to narrate the story to their partner using the pictures as a guide.

Post Listening (0-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Activity 3 First demonstrate the activity by writing 10 key words on the board. Ask the students to guess the story using the words as a guide. Check whether it is a true story. Ask students to think about a story that happened to them. It could be a health problem they once had or about their friend or family member. It can be a true story or they can make one. Ask them to note down 10 key words on a piece of paper. Then exchange the paper. Let the partner guess the story. They should say whether the story is false or true.

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