Michelle Graham Michelle Graham

Teaching Practice 3a - PARENTS AND CHILDREN
Upper Intermediate level


This lesson focuses on the vocabulary used to describe the challenges and rewards of parenting. Ss will also get oral practice with this subject, talking about their own upbringing and/or what parenting is like nowadays. Book Used: Global Upper Intermediate, 2011, p. 54


Abc Blank sheets of paper, if needed
Abc Whiteboard, dry erase markers
Abc Challenges/Rewards adjectives list HO (Section 1)
Abc 1/4 sheets of paper or index cards
Abc Parenting Verbs matching HO (Section 2)
Abc 5 copies of answer key - antonyms for Parenting Verbs HO
Abc Dictionaries (optional)
Abc Parenting Statements HO (Section 3)
Abc Poster putty

Main Aims

  • VOCABULARY: To provide clarification and review of (1) Adjectives to describe the challenges/rewards of parenting; (2) Verbs and phrasal verbs used to describe parenting activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • SPEAKING: To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice of the challenges/rewards related to raising children, as well as provide speaking practice to discuss different aspects of how parenting is done (e.g. nowadays vs. in the past, by grandparents vs. by parents, role of teachers vs. role of parents, etc.)


Stage 1 (Warmer/Lead-In) (6-9 minutes) • Generate interest in lesson topic and create context for Parenting

- Draw two faces on the board, depicting an angelic child's face and a mischievous child's face - Ask Ss if they had a good weekend and if they spent any time with their families and friends - Ask Ss if they were around any children this weekend, either their own or the children of friends/relatives - Hold up an index card and tell Ss they will write their name on the front of the card - Pass out cards and give time for Ss to write their names - Point to pictures on the board and say we are looking for two "N" words to describe children's behavior; elicit the words "Nice" and "Naughty" (for fun, drill the different pronunciation of "naughty" British style and American style) - Ask Ss to imagine that their mother is standing next to me. T: "If I asked your mother if you were mostly naughty or mostly nice as a child, what would she tell me?" - Instruct and demo Ss to write either "Naughty" or "Nice" on the back side of their cards (don't show anyone!) and flip the card back over - T collects index cards - T divides Ss into pairs and instructs Ss to ask each other about one thing they did as a child. T elicits a question from WC like, "What is something you did as a child?" or "Tell me about something you did as a child." T demos by having WC ask her the question, then T responds with an example, "When I was 7, I dressed my little brother up in my ballet costume and made him walk around the neighborhood with me." or "When I was growing up, I was very protective of my little brother. One time a neighbor told my father that one of us children threw rocks at the neighbor's car. My little brother actually threw the rocks, but I didn't want my brother to be punished. So I told my father that I threw rocks at the car instead." - T gives 1-2 minutes for Ss to ask their partners this question - As Ss are working in pairs, T does a number tally under each face on board of the Naughty and Nice responses on index cards - Using the cards, T nominates Ss and asks their partners to tell what he/she did as a child - Class then guesses if S wrote on the card that he/she was Nice or Naughty

Stage 2 (Preteach Vocabulary - Challenges/Rewards of Parenting) (9-11 minutes) • Pre-teach vocabulary - adjectives used to describe the challenges and rewards of parenting

- T asks "Naughty" students to stand on one side and "Nice" students on the other, then pairs them up - SENSITIVITY: T clarifies that just because a S put naughty or nice on the card, this term does not definite him/her! - T asks, "Is a child always Nice or always Naughty?" No. They can be both. "Just like parenting, is parenting fun and happy all the time? Or difficult and hard work all the time?" No, it can be both. - Pre-teach vocabulary to talk about the challenges and rewards of parenting. First, elicit the words "challenges" and "rewards." Examples can be training for a marathon, changing a soiled diaper, etc. E.g. CHALLENGES: Getting up early each morning to run when you're tired, having sore muscles, eating a special diet and not getting to eat all the things you like REWARDS: Having more energy in the mornings, having muscles develop or losing fat, increasing endurance and feeling stronger, faster running times, finishing/winning the marathon - T elicits a specific challenge and reward about parenting from the WC. If none is offered, T can use example below of soiled diaper CHALLENGE: Having to change a soiled diaper (stinky/messy, baby is crying, baby won't stop moving during changing, etc.) REWARD: Baby is clean and happy and smells good, you learned a new skill Vocab to pre-teach: WOW, that's .... * amazing (+) * incredible (++) * miraculous (+++) DIFFICULT/TIRING... * challenging (-) * stressful (- -) * exhausting (- - -) * Relentless (Give example of a waitress in a busy restaurant where customers are always asking for help, chef is always yelling at her to pick up her food order, the phone is always ringing for takeaway orders, and she never gets a break. The work is relentless...always coming at her, never stopping) * Unpredictable (Do we know everything that will happen in the future? When we guess about what will happen, what are we doing? Predicting. If S comes every day, can I predict that he will come tomorrow? Yes, he is predictable. Are children always predictable? No, they are unpredictable.) * Underestimated (Talk about expecting less and receiving more...positive example is when my son cooks me a gourmet dinner when I was expecting PB&J sandwiches, negative example is when my boss gives me a project that is more difficult or time-consuming than I expected.) Other words that are not necessary to pre-teach: * crazy * exciting * expensive * fun * life-changing * noisy For each vocabulary word, T uses process outlined in Ramy and Laurence's Input sessions: E-C-D-W - Elicit word by conveying meaning - Ask CCQs - Drilling - Written record on the board (M-F-P: ask Ss for part of speech, ask Ss for meaning, highlight stress with a square above the syllable, provide phonemic spelling once we go over phonemic chart)

Stage 3 (PW to identify lexis as descriptive of challenges or rewards) (8-10 minutes) • Ss get speaking practice using the target vocabulary, discuss the differences between the words, and come up with some words of their own

(To save paper and time, this lesson's HO may be on a single sheet of paper, with (1) the challenge/reward adjectives in the first section, (2) the verb phrases in the second section, and (3) the parenting statements in the third section. T will prepare HO for first activity by folding the paper so that only the first section of adjectives is visible. Then, as the lesson progresses, T will ask Ss to fold paper so that subsequent sections are visible.) - T hands out sheet with list of adjectives, explaining that these are words that parents on a website used to describe what parenting is like - T asks Ss to quickly go through list and mark a (+) or a (-) next to each word to identify if it is a reward (+) or a challenge (-) - T asks Ss to pick 3 words from the list and think about what the parents meant by these words - Ss will discuss these words with their partners and explain why they think they are rewards or challenges and give examples; pairs can also suggest new words of their own - T monitors PW - T gets FB from WC, provides correction and clarification

Stage 4 (Parenting verbs word match) (5-7 minutes) • To give Ss a GD activity to expand their vocabulary, specifically with verbs that describe parenting activities

- T holds up HO of verbs and ask Ss to first read through the word list on the left, then asks them to work with their partner to choose the correct meaning/synonym on the right (2 min) - Get FB from WC to ensure all answers are correct - Then T asks pairs to work together to match up the opposite meanings - T asks Ss to circulate around to other pair groups to see if their answers are the same - T posts answer keys on the walls for Ss to check their answers - T asks Ss if they have any questions about the words

Stage 5 (PW to discuss selected parenting statements) (6-8 minutes) • To give Ss practice using the new lexis in the context of parenting issues.

- T asks Ss to read the three statements on the HO and then pick one that they want to talk about. They must decide if they agree or disagree with the selected statement. - Mingle: T asks Ss to get up and find another S to discuss their opinion with, using some of the new lexis they've learned in this lesson. - T monitors during mingle activity, listening for key errors or questions. If there is a common mistake or an item of special interest, T will write a sentence on the WB. - FB with WC: If no common mistakes are noted, T nominates Ss to talk about a statement that they agreed or disagreed with. If there is a notable mistake during fluency activity, T will ask WC to correct the error in a sentence that T has written on the board.

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