Daniela Lorenz Daniela Lorenz

TP 6 | Reading for gist & specific information | Food around the world
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will have practised reading for gist and reading for specific information in the context of 'Food around the world'. They will have also practised controlled speaking.


Abc Images for WB
Abc Blue Tak
Abc Word Puzzle
Abc Pens for WB
Abc FOREIGN/POPULAR - 2 sheets of paper
Abc Handout: Text & exercises
Abc Answer key ex. 4 (page 70)

Main Aims

  • To practise reading for gist and reading for detail in the context of 'Food around the world'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise controlled speaking in the context of food/eating habits (in their own country)


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T briefly talks about Swiss food habits to introduce the next stage of the lead-in period. In the process, T elicits 'foreign' and reminds SS of 'popular'. 2. Ex. 1: SS from different countries talk about their food habits (food & drink from their country and most popular foreign food & drink). Demonstrate with one student before they discuss this in pairs. Monitor for possible error correction later on. Feedback

Pre-reading / vocabulary (5-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

SS are prompted to talk about the images on the WB, trying to identify types of food, countries, eating habits - such as eating using knife & fork, using chopsticks, picking up food with bread, picking up food with their fingers. Opportunity to elicit & check vocabulary that is vital for the general understanding of the text: Caribbean / central (Central Europe) / chopsticks / herring / sardine / sausage / Scandinavia / noodle(s) / pick up (food with fingers/with bread) / finger(s) (see LA for details) To mix things up and for a good view of the images, I will group SS in front of the WB

While-Reading #1 / Reading for gist (5-5 minutes) • To provide SS with a less demanding reading for gist task to test general understanding

T explains that SS have 1 minute to skim the text and to match 3 questions (headers) to 3 paragraphs. Points out that questions provide clues, should look for key words. Demonstration, ICQs Answer key: T displays the correct order of questions (A.B.C) on WB at the end of the activity

While-Reading #2 (4-6 minutes) • Students read text again to be able to match passages in the text with a number of pictures on the WB

To keep pace, I have selected 6 photos for which SS will have to find the corresponding passage(s) in the text. Demonstrate with one example (e.g. Chinese girl eating rice). SS work in pairs and then check within their 'group' (island set-up of desks) while I monitor for any problem.

While-Reading #3 (8-10 minutes) • SS are asked to read for detail

1. Having deliberately ignored the introduction to the text (or 1st paragraph as it is called in the TB) I will now elicit some additional vocabulary related to that part of the text: human / human nature; move on; farm (v); environment 2. SS are asked to complete exercise 4 (work alone, then check in pairs); answer key provided at the end of the task

Post-Readin (8-10 minutes) • To provide SS with an opportunity to round of the lesson by talking about food habits in their countries

Exercise 5: Check understanding of the questions (e.g. 'main meal') and have students discuss in groups; will try to mix the nationalities somewhat Feedback (error correction)

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