Naima Naima

Teatime - Listening and Reading
Beginners - A1 level


In this lesson Ss will learn about teatime lexis through a S focus vocabulary building excercise. Ss will develop their receptive skills by reading and then listening to teatime related texts looking for gists. They will then solve 3 tasks related to the texts (two written exercises and a game).


Abc Japanese, Turkish, British teatime images
Abc Across cultures, Tea - Text for reading and listening
Abc Jobs

Main Aims

  • Listening and Reading
  • To provide reading and listening practice using texts about tea habits in different countries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide new vocabulary related to teatime context through eliciting and review some vocabulary on jobs, nationalities and colours


Lead in - Warm up (3-4 minutes) • Review some vocabulary

S divided in 3/4 group of max 4/5 people depending on attendance Call the best student to the WB. Demo the exercise by whispering in S ear. Say to Ss "you must guess", write on board "What is the word? Guess the word" Say "fruit". Then "red", then mime like if you were biting on an apple, then draw an apple on the WB (after each word/mime/drawing wait for Ss reaction. Hopefully they will say words related to them). At this point they will most probably say out loud APPLE. If no one gets it move to one of the groups and mime a student understanding the word and saying out loud APPLE. Back as a teacher say "very good, group A, 1 point". ICQ: "all clear?" (if yes go on, if you see they didn't understand show more in detail) Say "the game starts now". Whisper on S ear an easy word "teacher" (if Ss still don't understand the game help out miming etc) Once a word is guessed change S and word. Words selected for the task (the amount of words depends on students abilities and timing): teacher (whisper in year), waiter (show image), Turkish, Italian, Black, Red, Doctor, Tea (they don't have to be in this order, select according to S abilities)

Group Change • To change groups so that Ss can practice with different students

say: "who has white shoes?" - use body language to indicate white shoes. "Students with white shoes please stand up" if some one don't yo ask "do you have whìte shoes?" then say "mix", "change seat" with body language indicate them to go in a different group.

Vocabulary and Context building (7-10 minutes) • To learn words related to teatime necessary to understand reading and listening exercise

Stick an image representing teatime on the WB. elicit students to say words about it. Try eliciting: drinking (miming), strong tea (miming), weak tea, teapot,morning -> start of the day. Then give an image to each group and ask them to work together in the group and find words as they did with you. whoever finds more words wins. mime you thinking about a word a writing it down. ICQ see if they are doing it, if they look perplex, if they do something else... if they didn't get what to do. tell them 2 minutes. Check what word they found. Ask each group and check for spelling, pronunciation and stress. Apart from the words you elicited you need the following words for the reading/listening part: cup, glass, milk, sugar. If they didn't find out those word you need to elicit them. by pointing out each of them on the picture on the board.

Reading - Tea habits in Turkey (5-7 minutes) • Reading for gist and being able to recognise true or false sentences about a text after a reading

Write on the board England, Japan and Turkey Mime them not to talk and not to write "please don't talk and please don't write" "let's read" (body language to explain reading). show them what part they need to read and what part of the paper to ignore (paper is folded in two. text on one and further exercise on the other) Take the text in your hands and ask "what country is the text about?" "first read in silence, don't answer" Give them the text on tea habits in Turkey and say "one minute" After ask again "what country is the text about?" O/C answers if too much confusion nominate. Now write "British people drink tea in glasses" on the WB. the sentence is wrong. ask the students if sentence is correct or wrong. once they answer it is wrong ask what is the right answer. "Turkish people drink tea in glasses" now show them to unfold the paper and do the exercise below the reading. "work in pairs" monitor if everyone has understood and correct mistakes. sit at students level while monitoring to look them in the eyes and build good rapport.

Listening part I - Gist (2-3 minutes) • Listening to find a gist

Ask students not to write and not to talk. but to listen only. (through body language and minimal talking directions). "please don't talk, please don't write". "please listen in silence" Tell them that after the listening they will need to answer the question "what country is the text about?" Read text about tea habits in Britain and then the once in Japan. Asking the gist question again and see if Ss can answer. otherwise elicit/help to get the answer.

Listening part II - Game (7-10 minutes) • To understand the main points of text by listening to it.

Write on WB: cup of tea, glass of tea, milk, water, start of the day, end of the day, green tea, black tea, small teapot, big teapot, weak tea, strong tea, Japanese people, British people, tea, coffee, with sugar, without sugar, Divide the class in 3 groups (max 6 people - if more attendance increase groups). Line them up in 3 lines perpendicular to the WB (indian line. one behind each other in a line). Explain the game to them with a demo. Say to the students "listen to the text". Read the fist line from the tea habits in Britain text. Read a question. Tell the Ss that only the once on the front of the row can answer. Elicit the students to answer. Once the first one answers mime you running from the line to the board and rubbing off the right answer. mime first with right answer and say "this is correct", write the word down again. and then mime rubbing off another word,the wrong answer. "this is not ok". ICQ -all clear? "start" "listen" Read a part of the text, read a question and make the Ss race to rub off the correct answer. If there are some problems with understanding clarify again. showing them or asking Ss who understood to explain if this help with weaker Ss.

Group change • To mix the Ss once again

Ask only men to sit down after Listening part II. Ask women to mix and change seat.

Listening part III - filling gaps (4-6 minutes) • For Ss to recognise specific words during a listening

Ask students to listen and fill gaps in the exercise. Write first sentence of the exercise on board keeping the gap. Read the text and elicit the answer to fill the gap. Ask students to do the same on their own filling all the other gaps. Read the text twice. Once finished ask the students to check in pairs. Monitor. Then ask student nominating them to say out loud the word to fill each gap.

Tea related questions/answers (5-7 minutes) • Make Ss improve their fluency and bring vocabulary just learned into everyday real language

Write on board TEA Elicit question and answers (through body language, suggestions, hints) "would you like some tea?""yes please" "no thank you" "would you like some green tea or black tea?" "green tea, please" "black tea, please" "would you like some sugar?" "yes please", "no, thank you""would you like some milk?" "yes, please", "no, thank you" once all the questions have been elicited. drilled, pronounced and stressed correctly. Ask Ss to stand up and practicing the questions and the answers mingling. Give a demo first showing what the have to do.

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