Mihriban Mihriban

Relative Pronouns
A2 level


In this lesson students learn about realtive pronouns and relative clauses through a PPP lesson in the context of a police station. The lesson starts with a story which is the presentation stage of the lesson. It is followed by controlled, semi- controlled and free practice activities related the language area.


Abc Powepoint Presentation
Abc White Board
Abc "Guess the Item"
Abc Powepoint Presentation
Abc White Board
Abc "Guess the Item"

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of relative pronouns who, which, that and where in the context of describing people, objects and places in a crime story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice of sentence building in the context of describing objects, people and places


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell ss that there was a burglar at Turgut Özal University last night. Ask ss if they heard about it. Tell that police arrested the burglar today. Ask ss if they want to know who the burgar was.

Exposure and Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Tell that 5 people are arrested because they are suspects and in the police station now. Show the picture on PPT. Tell ss to guess who the burglar is. Tell them that you will help them and build a sentence using "who" Elicit the information in the sentence. Model the sentence. Do drilling exercises. Focus on intonation and stress. Write the sentence on the board. Focus on the form. Elicit the parts of speech. Use the same way of elicitation with the other relative pronouns 'where' and 'which'. Tell ss that the police arrested the burglar in a place. Ask them to guess where. Give them a clue by making a sentence using the 'where'. Elicit the information in the sentence. Model the sentence. Do drilling exercises. Focus on intonation and stress. Write the sentence on the board. Focus on the form. Elicit the parts of speech and tell ss that where means 'in that place', so instead of where, they may also say 'in which'. Do some more drilling with 'in which' forms of the previous sentence. Ask ss to guess what was the burglar doing. Show them a picture. Elicit the sentence. As them to give details about the bag. Show to sentences on PPT. Tell ss to combine the sentences. Model the sentence. Do drilling exercises. Focus on intonation and stress. Write the sentence on the board. Focus on the form.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Elicit from students that we use who for people, where for places and which for objects to give details or extra information.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Tell that its time to practice. Show a handout. Tell the ss to combine the sentences and rewrite with " who, where and which " on their own. Give ss 5 mins to do and check the activity in pairs. Ask the ss to read aloud the sentences. Check for misusage or mispronunciation. Give feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Show ss a new handout which contains matching and writing activities both. Give the instructions for the activity. Tell the ss that this will be an individual work. Monitor for any help. Check the answers for matching. Ask ss to share their sentences with their partner / group friends.

Free Practice (8-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Tell ss that they will do a new activity. Show them the chart. Give instructions for the activity. Do the first one as an example. Tell them not to write the name of the object, place or the person as their friends will guess it. Give around 6-8 minutes to complete the activity. Monitor and help if necessary. After the ss complete their charts, tell them to read their sentences in turns and ask them to guess what, where of who it is.

Contingency activity- "It's something that..." Game (10-15 minutes) • To practice the target language through a game

Organise the class into two groups if possible. Give each group a set of cards which should be face down in a pile. Student A takes the first card and doesn't show it to anyone. He/ She completes the sentence to describe the item in the picture. The first player who guesses what the item is wins the card. If no-one guesses, the card goes to the bottom of the pile. The next student takes the card and repeats the process. The winner is the student with the most cards at the end of the game.

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