Nisha Nisha

Practise reading for specific information and detail
Intermediate level


In this lesson, learners will practice reading for specific information and detail in the context of Frida Kahlo. The context will be set with a discussion on different types of houses and the celebrity's house the ss would like to visit. This will be followed by teaching vocabulary from the text as a matching exercise and others based on reading for gist and detail. An open group speaking activity on the second conditional ,followed by peer feedback and open group corrections will conclude the lesson.


Abc Blue tack
Abc Board cards
Abc Board Markers
Abc Computer
Abc Hand written sentence cards
Abc Pictures
Abc Projector
Abc Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • To provide practice in gist, scan and detailed reading in the context of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in free speaking and revision of the second conditional form of speech.


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The T starts a discussion about houses of celebrities and famous people. T shows pictures of the White House and Buckingham Palace and elicits the names of the people who live there. T asks the ss which celebrity's house they would like to visit. An open group discussion(one student from each table) will follow. T will introduce the subject of the lesson with pictures of Frida Kahlo, some of her paintings and her house.

Pre-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T distributes handouts to ss. Pre-teach vocabulary Dresser, glass, entrance, gallery, upstairs, airy, shutters, patio. Exercise c, a matching exercise will be used for this step. The words and the definitions, mixed up on pieces of paper, will be given to the ss at their tables ( one per table). The ss will work in grps to match the words with their definitions. Each group will go over to the other tables and compare and check answers.

While-Reading #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Pair ss in 2s or grps of 3s.SS would have already scanned the text for the vocabulary exercise. They will be given 5 minutes to read the text again and answer the questions related to it. They will work in pairs for this exercise and check the answers as an open group. ICQs Are you doing this alone? No with a partner. Long answers? No. Short. One or two. How much time do you have? Who will you check with? the people on the other tables.

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading task

Ss will work in pairs for exercise 3 to answer the first part of the question: Which part of the house are these things connected to? Ss will check their answers as an open group. T will elicit the answers- one from each table. Ss will again work in pairs to answer the 2nd part of the question: Why are they mentioned? : From the text, what information do you have about these things? T will demonstrate the first one: 2 giant statues- they are 7 m tall and guard the entrance. ICQs- Are you working by yourself? No -Will you write long answers? No. Short. One line answers. The answers will be elicited from the ss and checked as an open group.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ss will be grouped in 3s or 4s, depending on the number of students. T will ask each group to nominate one person to answer the question: Name one thing you learnt about Frida Kahlo and one about her house. Depending on the time left, ss will be paired in 2s to play a speaking practice game using the second conditional. Ss take turns asking the questions and answering them. T will demonstrate one example with a S. S will ask T a question. T responds. T asks S the same question. Ex: If you had to choose, would you prefer to live in a small village or in the centre of a capital city? T will monitor the class and make notes for open pair correction . T gives feedback and does delayed error correction. Focus on use of second conditional.

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