Maryam Hameed Maryam Hameed

Children Taking Risks
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice their receptive skills through reading and speaking in the context of an article about the need for children to take more risks in life.


Abc Reading Handout
Abc Vocabulary and definition cards
Abc Markers
Abc Answer key
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Question Sheet

Main Aims

  • Students will practice skim reading (reading for gist) and also scan reading in order to extract important details from the text. They will also learn new vocabulary with meanings and learn how to apply them in proper context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Student will practice speaking in the context of whether or not it is good for children to take risks in life. They will be able to express and exchange ideas and opinions.


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To introduce the topic of today's lesson, the T will do some role-play with another trainee. The T will pretend to be an over-protective mother talking to her 7 year old child (other trainee) and warning him about playing outside alone and staying out after the sun has gone down. Also, reminding him not to talk to strangers and to be extra careful on the playground so he doesn't get hurt, etc. T will elicit students' ideas to guess who she is, who she is speaking to and what the context is. T will then introduce the topic of the article "Should I let my Child take more Risks?"

Pre-Teaching Vocabulary/Pre-Reading (15 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

SS will be divided in 3 groups and the T will hand out vocabulary cards with definitions for the following words and SS will match the words with their definitions. SS will have access to dictionaries if they need help. ICQs will be used to check if students understand the task. After students have finished, T will write the answer key on the board. 1. risks 2. unsupervised 3. self-esteem 4. abduction 5. fractures 6. cyberbullies 6. self-regulate The T will then ask students to use any 2 words of their choice in a sentence and say the sentence to their partner. The T will come around and monitor closely to see if the students are using the words correctly and appropriately in their sentences. Next, the T will show the text to students before handing it out. The T will ask students to skim the text (read for gist) for 1 minute to get an idea of the main points in the text. When they are done T will give them 2 multiple choice questions to answer which will be written on the white board. 1. What is the author trying to point out? a) children should be protected and supervised at all times b) children should be left alone without supervision to explore their surroundings c) children become more resilient if they get a little hurt once in a while d) both b and c Answer: d) both b and c 2. According to the author, play such as jumping from a height or letting a child get lost contributes to: a) self-esteem b) obesity c) injury d) depression Answer: a) I will nominate students to give their answers and circle the correct answers on the board.

While-Reading #1 (10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

Next, T will give the SS a handout with five questions about the text and they will be asked to read these questions in 30 seconds. 1. Give 2 examples of risky play. A: climbing and jumping from height, unsupervised play where a child can get lost, cycling fast down a hill, playing with knives, or playing near water and cliffs. 2. According to the article, when children take risks, they are less like to: A: take risks related to sex and drugs as adolescents 3. A Canadian study found that 81% of parents of 10-12 year-olds were worried about: A: "Stranger danger" 4. Two large New Zealand studies of nearly 31,000 children reported no _______ or ______ fractures from playgrounds in more than two and a half years. A: head, spine 5. Tremblay passionately believes that playing unsupervised outside leads to better: A: self-regulation and psychological health They will scan read for detail and T will give the SS approximately 2 minutes to answer all the questions.

Post-Reading (Speaking Task) (15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T will regroup the SS into 3 new groups - mixing the ones who are weaker in speaking skills with the stronger ones. T will write down 3 questions on the board and instruct SS to discuss these questions in their groups. T will use clear ICQs here. 1. Do you think children need more "risky play"? Why/why not? 2. Do you agree with Mark Tremblay when he says, "playing unsupervised outside leads to better self-regulation and psychological health?" Why/why not? 3. As a mother or father, what would be your main concerns regarding your children's well being and safety? SS will discuss and offer their own opinions and viewpoints within their group. Everyone's answers will be different as these are personal opinions. At the end of the activity, T will ask one S from each group to comment on another S's opinion, whether or not he/she agreed with it and share it with the whole class.

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