hoda neyestani hoda neyestani

Pre Int. A2 level


The lesson starts with some pictures that will make Students to guess the topic. Some ore reading will be done and then the students will talk and share things together there are some while reading activities which students would do them individually first, and then they will talk in a group. Some verb patter will be taught. In post reading students are asked to ask and answer some questions from each other.


Abc game related cards
Abc related context
Abc set of questions
Abc words definition

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, detailed and deduction reading practice using a text about cultural differences in the context of culture shock

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in asking and answering questions in the context of culture shock


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

WARM UP The class starts with some pictures and ss will guess the topic and more culture differences. Having a big breakfast Kiss on the check twice Students will talk about different possibilities and compare Iran and Turkey’s culture in pairs. And 2 or 3 will be shared with the class.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Students are asked to read some sentences from the text and guess the meaning of the words in bold. Instructions: there are more cultural differences here, now you should read them and see if you know the words in bold. You will do it alone not with your partner. ICQs: can you do it with your partner? No Are you going to write anything? No After 1 or 2 minute teacher will give the definition and ask them to match the bold words with them. Students will do it alone again. Instructions: open the paper there are some definition that you should match them with the words in bold. ICQs : do you do it alone or with your partner? Alone. Then students check their answers together and after that they will check as a whole class.( teacher will write the answers on the board). Teacher to Ss : do you think these sentences are true or false? Instructions: now you should talk to your partner to see if they are True or False. ICQs: Do you do it alone or with your partner? With a partner Can you write Yes or no? No What do you write? True or false Students will talk with their partner.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Teacher will get the students attention to lead them to while reading task. Instructions: those sentences are from this text now you should read and find if these sentences are true or false. ICQs: Do you do it alone or with your partner? Alone. After 3 minute Students will check and talk in pairs (different pairs) Then the answers will be check as a whole class. WHILE READING Teacher will give them another paper. Instructions: I will give this paper you should read again and choose the 4 things that you think are the most surprising. When you finish you put your paper up. ICQs: what do you write? The most surprising sentences. How many? 4 What do you do when you finish? Put our paper up. Do you do it alone or with your partner? Alone. When they finished teacher will ask them to write 4 other classmates ideas. Instructions: Now stand up please go around the class and write 4 more interesting thing about the text .( or teacher will make new groups) ICQs: how many sentences?4 How many students are you going to talk with? 4 Then Students will go back to their seat and share their ideas. Some of them will be discussed in the class.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

(verb pattern) Teacher will get the students attention and ask them to notice underlined verbs in the text. Teacher to Students: which verb forms come after these verbs? Infinitive with to / infinitive without o / verb+ing (gerund) Students will be asked to find more example for each category in pairs and will write them on the board. CCQ: do we have verbs that fit in two categories? Yes Can you name some? Need, try, stop, start, like, love, hate, (( explain if it was needed) Does the meaning change? Some of them Which ones? Need try stop)

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

There are some questions here that shows that how adaptable you are. Do you know adaptable? CCQs: when you are adaptable, do you change in a new situation easily or hard? Is it a positive adjective or negative? Do you accept changes in the new place? Are you ready to accept a new situation? ASK THEM TO REPEAT then IT WILL BE WRITTEN ON THE BOARD. Instructions: I will give you this set of questions and I want you to talk with a new partner and ask and answer these questions. ICQs: Can you ask from you partner? No a new partner Can you ask more than these questions? Yes Can you take notes? Yes. Teacher I s monitoring and taking some notes to write them on the board (EFF).

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