fateme fateme

Third Conditional
Intermediate, New Inside Out, page 100/ 101 level


In this lesson students will learn third conditional through guided discovery based on a reading text about the age. The lesson starts with a discussion about age limit for doing different activities. The lesson is followed by gist reading. After that we will focus on grammar based on the text's example. Finally there is some controlled practice ( chain story or sentence completion) and freer practice ( students talk in their group about their life's regrets)


Abc New Inside out intermediate book
Abc WB
Abc 700 activities

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of third conditional in the context of age and regrets

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of age


lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and raise students interest toward the lesson

T will ask students is age important to you? Do you usually tell a lie or tell the truth about your age? What do you think about the best age for getting married and having children? Does it have any age limit? discuss Teacher will elicit some answers from students.

Reading/ Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To set the topic of the lesson which is the third conditional

1- students will look at the picture on their handouts and they will predict some information about her, such as her age. Does she tell the truth? Then, they are going to read the text to get the general idea about 1 or 2 minutes and choose the best title. a) ageism turned me into a liar b) being a female turned me into a liar ) love turned me into a liar

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To focus on analysis of third conditional meaning/ form/ pronunciation

Teacher will elicit an example from the text by asking Did she tell the truth about her age? (No) Is he unhappy? (Yes) How do you know? T will elicit their answers and one of the SS will write it on the board. CCQs: 1- Do we talk about the past? (Yes) 2- Did she tell her boyfriend about her real age? (No) 3- Did she have a chance to tell him? ( Yes) 4- Does she have problem now? ( Yes) 5- Does she regret it now? ( Yes) 6- Is it possible to change it? (No) Why? ( It has finished) 7- Can we delete comma? How? 8- Can we use simple past for If clause? (No) then T will focus on the form and pronunciation. Students will have choral and individual drilling. T will give them an example and they are going to read the cards and repeat them in order to work on pronunciation and form. T will ask how about you? what would have happened if you had known it was your friends' birthday? T will give students sentences and they will see if they are true for them if not they are going to make it true for themselves. If I had seen you yesterday, I would have said hello. If I had got up late this morning, I wouldn't have arrived on time for the class. If I had told him/her the truth, I wouldn't have had any problem. If I had started English earlier, I would have spoken like native speakers.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • to practice the language more.

T will give students If clauses to complete them in their group and talk about them. If I had time this week, I would have........ If I had won the lottery, ...................................... If it hadn't rained last week, ................................ If I hadn’t decided to learn English, I would have... If I had met my great-great-grandparents, I would have... If I had followed my parent's advice, I would have... If I hadn’t come here today, I would have... each student will pick one card and they will talk and complete them in pair and change their sit after 30 second or if the number of students were even they can stand in two circle, back to back and complete the sentences and turn clock wise and talk with a new partner. T will give feedback.

Freer (8-11 minutes) • To provide more practice for fluency

Students will talk about their regrets in group of 4. They shouldn't talk about very serious regrets if they don't feel comfortable. It can be funny things. (5 min) They will change their seats and discuss again. Teacher will elicit answers and give them feedback.

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