hoda neyestani hoda neyestani

Pre Int. A2 level


in this lesson Ss will learn about " used to " through guided discovery based on a listening about shopping in the 1970s.The lesson starts with some related pictures that students should talk about them in pairs.this is followed by listening where students listen to an interview. finally there are some controlled and free practice.


Abc audio file
Abc Pictures
Abc related context
Abc set of questions
Abc game related cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Used to in the context of changing trend

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about an interview in the context of shopping trend


warmer/ lead in (5-6 minutes) • preparation for the listening

The lesson will starts with some shopping related pictures which show how men has changes their trends toward shopping. Teacher will help them with some phrases like: skincare products, a department store, a men’s clothes shop. She asks some question to brainstorm the Ss.: -What can you see in the picture? - What are the differences? Then the teacher will ask students to discuss it with their partner about 2 minutes. This will lead them to the listening part.( are there any changes in their shopping habits?)

listening (8-10 minutes) • to lead the students to grammar

Teacher will play the audio to get the students’ attention: Instructions: You are going to listen to a radio interview which is about shopping trend You have 1 minute to read these sentences and then fill in the gaps while listening . ICQs: how much time do you have to read the Qs? 1 min Do you read them slow or fast? Fast Do you write a sentence in each gap? No Could it be a number? Yes Then the teacher will give the copies to students. After listening Students will check their answers in pair then in groups. Then students will write the sentences on the board. (WC feedback.)

Grammar (12-15 minutes) • clarification (MFP)

Teacher will use two of the sentences to elicit the meaning and she will ask some CCQs. -40 years ago you didn’t use to see skincare products for men. Did you see skincare products for men in the past? No You didn’t see skincare products for some day or for a period of time in the past? Do you see skincare products for men now? -“shopping girlfriends” used to help men choose clothes. Did shopping girlfriend help men choose clothes? yes Did they help ones or most of the time in the past? Was it a habit? I mean , Did they do that in a period of time? She will give the students the form and meaning exercise . Instructions: There are some questions related to the listening part You should do it alone not with your partner. ICQs: where can you find the answers? In the listening part You do it alone or with your partner? Alone Meanwhile teachers is monitoring. Ss will check with their partner then in groups of 4. The answers are given as a whole class feedback.

controlled practice • form/pronunciation

Controlled practice :Student will receive the listening typescript to find more examples. They will be asked to pay attention to the pronunciation. If needed they will listen to the pronunciation part and do some drills. instructions: know you should underline more example of "Used to" alone. ICQs: do you do in with your partners? No can you underline both negative and positive form? Yes

free practice (10-12 minutes) • fluency /feedback

Free practice: there is an activity which is chosen from the Face to Face teacher’s book’s activities. It is an imaginary class reunion each students will receive a card which describes her/ his personality in the past and now. They should walk around the class and ask each other some questions to fine each other then they should write the name on another card that they have. Instructions: there are two cards one of the is your identity one of them is a question card .then you will ask 2 more questions. For example : teacher does a model for the class. ICQ: can you write the name of two students ? no How many students can you find ? one How many question can you ask? 2 Can you ask more? yes If there is enough time they can talk about their childhood’s memories as a feedback.

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