Gülsevin Kara Gülsevin Kara

Functional English Lesson
A1-beginner level


The aim of this lesson is to provide learner with functional language for invitations and replies in the context of future plans. By the end of the lesson SS will perform controlled practice with the target language and produce it with a freer spoken fluency practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in open and close pair-work activities and group discussions in the context of future arrangements.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the present continuous in the context of future arrangements and to practice listening for specific information.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • to elicit future and making plans

T sticks 3 papers on the board that say TONIGHT, ON FRIDAY NIGHT, ON SUNDAY T asks students do you have plans for tonight?” SS say Yes/No T introduces the TL by telling her own plan and then a question: “Tonight I’m visiting a friend. What are you doing tonight? = What’s your plan for tonight?” T gets some answers from SS by nominating 2 or 3. T then tells the students to ask their partners about their Friday night and Sunday Plans in 2 minutes.

Clarify and Focus on the Target Language (8-10 minutes) • to provide SS with meaning and form of functional language for making arrangements

T tells the SS to look at the photocopy handout. The man with glasses is Alan and the man with White shirt is John. According to the Picture and the speech bubble T asks SS what Alan is doing on Saturday. SS says he’s having a party. T tells SS that he is talking to John and asks “What can be his next sentence?” T elicits the sentence “Would you like to come?” from the SS. T then drills the sentences “We’re having a party on Satuday. Would you like to come?” by showing the sentence stress and highlighting the assimilation of the sounds in would+ you adding some emotion and asks the SS to do the same. After drilling T tells the SS that they will listen to Alan John and Sophie. Alan invites them to the party. (T elicits the verb ‘invite’ and shows the SS a real invitation card to the SS to elicit the word ‘invitation’) T asks the SS to listen to the conversation and answer the 4 Qs they see on 1b. SS compares their answers. Follwed by WC feedback. SS listens the same conversation again. This time they underline the expressions they hear. T writes the correct answers on the board grouping them as negative and positive replies T focuses the SS on the sentence stress in “I can COME to the PARTY” and “I CAN'T come to the PARTY” using fingers and drills them adding emotion.

Controlled practice 1 / Pelmanism (8-10 minutes) • to check SS' comprehension of TL's function and provide feedback for accuracy

T tells the SS that she has a memory game for them and its name is Pelmanism. T first demonstrate the game with a strong SS. There are two sets of cards; one for sentences examplifying invitations and replies, and one for what they mean. From the demonstration SS understands that they need to find matching pairs in terms of meaning. SS works as groups of 3(or 4 depending on the number of SS) and T gives 6 minutes for this activity. To check the answers, T nominates one S from each group to say the invitation sentence first, and then ask a volunteer to say what it means. Other SS check their answers.

Controlled Practice 2 / Matching the expressions of invitation and replies (4-5 minutes) • to check SS' comprehension of TL's function and provide feedback for accuracy

T checks the SS understanding of ‘invitation’ and ‘replies’ by drawing their attention to the examples on the WB. T elicit from the SS which is an invitation, which is a positive reply, and which is a negative reply. T then asks them to form groups of 2 (or 3 depending on the number of the SS) and distributes one set of cards for each group which they will categorize them as invitations and replies. T gives 2 minutes for this activity. At the end of the activity each group check another group’s answers. T checks the answers as a WC activity. Then, as the second step of the same activity, T tells the SS to match each invitation with an answer. SS have 2 minutes again. T distributes the answer sheet and SS check their answers. T clarifies if there are any unclear points.

Freer Practice – Finding a Partner for an Activity (8-12 minutes) • to provide fluency practice using TL

T tells the SS that for the next activity, they need to go outside the classroom and use the corridor because they need more space. T tells the SS that they each will have a card which tells them about their plans for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. They need to find a partner for the activities on the card, also the card tells which day they are free. T warns the SS not to show their cards to any other S; they need to use expressions of invitation and reply. T gives 7 minutes fort his activity. At the end, T invites the SS back into the classroom and ask about their plans for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. T guides the SS to use sentences like “On friday I’m going to ……. with …..…” T notes down common mistakes.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To correct common mistakes and provide feedback

T demonstrates some of the common mistakes on the board and elicit the correct answers from the SS if possible.

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