Gülsevin Kara Gülsevin Kara

Past Simple Yes/No Question Form
Beginner level


The aim of this lesson is to clarify and provide controlled and semi-controlled practice of Yes/No Questions in Simple Past (questions without a question word) to talk about a past holiday. SS will be introduced to function and form of Yes/No Questions in Simple Past in the context of “Jessica’s Trip to Istanbul”. Then they will perform controlled practice by completing the dialogue between Jessica and her mother with correct form of questions and semi-controlled speaking practices where they will have the opportunity to use the new question form they’ve learnt to talk about an imaginary trip to Singapore.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of Yes/No Question form in Past Simple and giving (+) and (-) short answers in the context of Travelling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a close pair discussions and nominating students in the context of travelling


Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To create interest and set a scene

SS are introduced to Jenny's short story on her trip to ıstanbul. T tries to elicit the story from the SS as much as possible and also uses the target language within the context. For better comprehension T does whole-class drilling. T asks SS to tell the story to their partners starting from the begining by following the pictures on the ppt

Clarify and Focus on the Target Language (7-10 minutes) • to focus on the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T drawas a time-line to elicit the Past Tense. Then T writes the two examples below: Did you visit the Topkapı Palace? Did you try Turkish Kebab? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t T asks CCQs to check SS' comprehension. 1-When did Jenny go to Istanbul? (Two weeks ago) 2-Is she still there? (No, she’s back in NY) 3-Does she talk about now or two weeks ago? (two weeks ago, not now) 4-What are Jenny’s answers to her dad’s questions? (Yes and No) T writes another question on the board and asks further CCQs to focus on the meaning and form. "Did you buy a present for me?" What is the first word in the question? (Did) What comes next? (You) Can you say another word? (I, you, he, she, it, we, etc.) What is the verb in this question? (buy) Buy is infinitive. Bought is ….. (past) Try is infinitive Tried is ..... (past) Visit is infinitive visited is ..... (past) Which one do you see in the question? Buy or bought? (buy) When there is did in the question, do we use infinitive or past form? (infinitive) Did+ S+ verb infinitive? Look at Jenn’s questions: What is her first word? (Yes/No) What comes next? (I-subject) What is the last word? (did or didn’t: + did, - didn’t) Yes, S+did. No, S didn’t. Are these long answers or short answers? (Short) What is the long answer for this question? (Did you buy a present for me?) (Yes, I bought a present for you/ No I didn't buy a present for me) (past form) Drilling: T uses fingers to elicit the pronunciation of “Did you…?” Chorus drilling will increase the SS’ confidence when they are nominated to drill individually. “Did you buy a present for me?” /dıdju/ T also indicates where the stress in the sentence. It’s on the main verb. T models the pronunciation of this Q with sentence stress and intonation: "Did you buy a present for me?" T does a whole class drilling to practice the Q form with the same sentence. SS changes the subject of the same question as T indicates. Then SS gives short answers to the questions according to the teacher’s directions. Did Jenny visit Topkapı Palace? + (Yes, she did.) you - (No, I didn’t.) your family + (Yes, they did.) Jenny’s dad - (No, he didn’t.) Your sister + (Yes, she did.)

Controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • to facilitate the use of Target language and correct mistakes on the spot

SS complete a dialogue between Jenny and her mother on the worksheet (distributed by the T). The Yes/No questions are missing in it. SS first work alone and then compare their answers with their pairs. After open class feedback, SS do a dramatic reading of the dialogue in pairs to practice sentence stress. Immediate error correction is done at the feedback stage when necessary.

Semi-controlled Practice (7-10 minutes) • to facilitate further use of the Target Language and some production with it

T assigns the SS as A's and B's with different partners and gives instructions for the role-play that they will do. Then T distributes role cards to the SS. Student B went on a trip to Singapore. Student A ask questions according to the information on his/her card. Student B answers Student A’s questions according to his/her card. T monitors the SS closely and writes down any common mistakes.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide delayed feedback for the S

After T monitors the students closely and writes down the common mistakes. T demonstrates them on the board and elicit the correct forms from the SS.

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