Abboud Abboud

TP 4a
A1/2 level


Abc Cut up collocations
Abc Worksheets

Main Aims

  • To provide a practice of gist and detailed reading in a text about places to stay in Oxford city.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of writing in a text about some places to stay in Oxford city.
  • To practice speaking through discussion about their favorite place.
  • To provide practice of some vocabularies in a text about some places to stay in Oxford city.


Warmer/Lead in (2-4 minutes) • To engage the students and take their attentions.

T show Ss a picture about his favorite place and ask them about their favorite places. Ss talk about their favorite places

Pre-reading (5-7 minutes) • To stimulate an interest in the topic of the lesson T will give Ss a handout and show them a video.

Ss watch the video and order the pictures in the handout according to the video. Ss will discuss their answers with their groups then with their teacher. Cut up collocations, Video

While-reading/ Reading (1)/ Reading for a gist (6-8 minutes) • To give the students a reason to read and encourage them to find out the main idea of the text

T hands out the passage . Ss read the text alone and choose the suitable answer. Ss check in pairs. T show the Ss the answer ( Places to stay in Oxford).

While-reading/ Reading (2)/ Reading for details (12-16 minutes) • To develop their reading for specific detail. T hands out the passage .

Ss read the text alone and tick the correct place. Ss check in pairs. WC correct the the false answers. T shows the answer key.

Post-reading / Vocabulary task: (3-5 minutes) • To enhance vocabulary skill T hands out Ss a vocabulary hand out to match the definitions.

Ss answer individually. Ss check in pairs. WC correct the false definitions. T shows the answers( 1-a/ 2-a/3-b/4-b).

Post-reading / writing task (3-6 minutes) • To help the Ss understand the main points in the text.

T hands out a worksheet. Ss write some notices about their favorite place.

Post-reading / speaking task: (5-7 minutes) • To extend the Ss's discussion using the collected information in the above mentioned worksheet.

Ss discuss in pairs( shaped in two circles to turn clockwise). T monitor Ss and write some notices to show them to the Ss.

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