Danielle Roberts Danielle Roberts

Beginner level


Students will read about people's ambitions, what they really want to do. They will listen and read about 4 people's jobs.


Abc Ambitions reading and worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about occupations and ambitions in the context of what people really want to do.
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about occupations and ambitions in the context of what people really want to do.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice about ambitions and occupations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher talks about self- I'm a teacher and I ove my job. But what i really want to be is a chef. I love to cook. Students work in pairs to talk about their ambitions and then share with the class.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teacher explains- you will hear 4 people talking about their jobs and what they really want to do. On the worksheet, circle the words you hear in the listening. (English for life pg 39, 2a.) Check with your partner Listen again

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Read the stories and use the words from 2a to fill in the blanks. Check with your partner. Listen and check your answers.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Work in pairs: Student A turns over his paper, Student B asks questions about Ritsuko and Alphonse. Student A answers. Then switch roles and ask about Shania and Octavio.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Discuss with your group- Who do you think will follow their ambition? Why? Who won't? Why? Share ideas with the class.

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