Olga Bulat Olga Bulat

Assessed TP8 - Grammar (Participle clause)
Upper Intermediate (B2) level


In this lesson, the students will be presented with the present participle clause in the context of disappointment in love (excerpt from Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility" and another story). The language will be presented through guided discovery, and practiced through controlled written and spoken exercises.


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Main Aims

  • To present and provide practice of present participle clauses in the context of disappointment in love (an excerpt from Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility" and one more story)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in reading for specific information and detailed reading in the context of disappointment in love (excerpt of "Sense and Sensibility" and another story in the matching exercise)
  • To provide controlled written practice of the present participle clauses in the context of Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility"


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and provide models for analysis

Briefly remind the students about the reading text and tell the students that we will look into some grammar from it. Ask Ss to find a sentence that tells how Marianna walked around the village and cried. Ss find the sentence and read to T. If it takes too much time, show the Ss where too look for it or the first word of the sentence.

Guided discovery of participle clauses (11-13 minutes) • To guide the discovery of the information about use/register of present participle clause, as well as some basic form

T writes elicited sentence on the board, and elicits the analysis of form (present participle, its form, present participle clause and main clause). T asks the Ss to read more example sentences and rules concerning present participle clauses, and asks the Ss whether they are used more in spoken or written language, and why do we use it. Ss read the examples and the rules, and discuss in pairs. W/c FB. T highlights the form, eliciting that only one clause has the subject, and that is common for both clauses. T also draws Ss attention to the fact that clauses can change places without much difference in meaning. T tells that the PPC is often used after certain prepositions, and writes them on WB. Then T asks the Ss to find examples of such sentences in the text. Ss scan the text to find the examples, in pairs

Focus on meaning (5-6 minutes) • To provide clarification of the meaning of PPC

T tells that there are three options for the sequence of actions in PPC: happening simultaneously, immediately preceding the main action, and causing the main action, and asks Ss to categorize the sentences they have into these three types. Do the example on WB with the sentence written on it. ICQs: Which sentences will you look at? - the sentences on our paper. What do you write next to the sentences? Ss work in pairs and categorize. Monitor for any difficulties and to see if additional FB needed.

Focus on form (4-6 minutes) • To present the form of the Present participle clause

T elicits the form of PPC onto the board, both positive and negative. The T highlights that the subject for both clauses is the same, and that there is a comma between them.

Focus on pronunciation (2-2 minutes) • To highlight and drill the pronunciation features of PPC

T elicits where the pauses are, and what the intonation is, and drills the Ss

Controlled Practice 1 (8-9 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice in forming the present participle clauses

T tells the students: Now there is a text about what happened between Marianne and Willoughby that upset her so much. Please read it and rewrite it, turning the phrases in bold into participle clause. Ss rewrite the text in pairs. Monitor, pay attention to how the Ss deal with 'so' and 'because'. Feedback with answer keys on the walls, highlight the disappearance of 'so' and 'because'.

Controlled Practice 2 (7-7 minutes) • To provide controlled practice in present participle clauses.

T tells that there is another story about disappointment in love that they will have to create by matching the halves of phrases and putting them in order. Ss match the sentences in pairs. FB through an answer key, Monitor for agreement in subjects of the clauses.

Controlled Practice 3 (flexi stage) (6-7 minutes) • To provide practice in converting the written form (with PPC) into spoken form (using main verbs)

T says that there is a diary entry of a recently retired person, and asks the Ss to convert it to a spoken form, with main verbs instead of PPC. Ss do the exercise orally, in pairs.

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