Ibrahim Yurttas Ibrahim Yurttas

Ibrahim Yurttas, TP, 2
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson, the students are going to learn new words in terms of kinds of shops, such as, kiosk, shoe shop, bookshop, etc. After being introduced to these kinds of shops, the students are going to learn which things they can buy from different shops (especially things they can buy from a kiosk). Then, the students are going to listen to two different audios for a number of times for different purposes (gist listening and listening for details). Finally, the students are going to be provided with role cards, which they are going to use to practice a controlled dialogue.


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Main Aims

  • Improving listening skills of the students with the help of "listening for gist" and "listening for details" activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practising a minimal conversation in a shop


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I am going to tell the students a "teacher-made-up anecdote" which is going to be a basis for me in order to elicit words that are about different kinds of shops. I am going to show a picture on which there are going to be different shops. Directing to different shops, I am going to ask "Which shop is it?" etc.

Pre-Listening (12-15 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1) I am going to provide students with a HO on which the students are going to see different pictures of shops and fill in the blanks to make sentences like "I can buy shoes from a shoe shop." etc. 2) I am going to try to elicit the words in the picture on page 38 (newspaper, magazine, pencil, postcards, water, stamp, sunglasses, etc.) and ask "What can you buy from a kiosk?" At this point, I am going to work on how to stress these words.

While-Listening #1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

1) I am going to tell the students that we are going to listen to a man who owns a Kiosk. I am going to provide the question "What can you buy from a kiosk?" Then, I am going to ask them to listen only to tell ONE thing what they can buy from a kiosk. 2) I am going to make the students listen to audio track 1.77 and ask them to answer certain questions while-listening. I am planning to extend the questions, provided in the course book, for this exercise.

While-Listening #2 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

I am going to make the students listen to two very short conversations in different shops. For this activity, they are going to listen to audio file 1.78. 1) I am going to ask the students to listen and answer the questions "Where does the conversation take place?" (in a simplified version, of course). 2) The students are going to listen to and complete the two short conversations.

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to expand on what they've learned

1) I am going to provide the students with different role cards. They are going to keep the information they are provided with secret and have conversations at a kiosk. An example conversation is going to be provided. 2) I am going to direct the students to the exercise on page 39 (Prices, ex: 4) The students are going to have similar conversations. An example conversation is going to be provided.

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