Lisa Markowski Lisa Markowski

Eng for Med. Unit 2 Achievements in Medicine 2.2
B2 level


2.2 Students will review reading skills, topic sentences, and apply these to two reading passages.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about medical achievements in the context of the past 50 years

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of topic sentences and research questions in the context of research reading for university


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

2.2 Reading - using research questions. (If students have liked doing the scrambled word activities -use the scrambled words from the reading on p16 "vaccinations, steroids, cardiac surgery, organ transplants, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), laser surgery, discovery of DNA structure" and put around the room. Answers in powerpoint. A - Tell Ss these words are some medical achievements from the past 50 years. Ask Ss if they know of any other recent medical achievements (whole class - just a few answers - not to take up too much time)

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Part B - In groups of 4, answer questions 1-3 about these medical achievements (the list in in the box on page 16 next to the questions). Take-up: ask two or three groups which achievement they thought was the greatest.

Pre-Reading (6-8 minutes) • Review Reading Skills

Still in the groups of 4, look at these skills (show cut-up strips) and decide which fit into the three groups (pre-read, while-read, post-read skills). Show the cut-out strips and distribute to all the groups. Show powerpoint to check. Ask Ss if anyone thought differently. As Ss in groups to discuss: Do you do all these steps when you read for university? Are these other things you do that you find useful? How can you reduce the time you spend on each text?

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Ss read the topic sentences in E (page 16) and answer the questions (1-3) (Ss read alone) Q1 - Which achievement is this text about? (cardiac surgery) (discuss in pairs then ask whole class) Q2 - Ss need to look at the 'Hadford Uni Assignment' and find which topic sentences (and hence which paragraphs) will have the answers to the questions in the 'Hadford Uni Assign.' (Ss work alone and check in pairs). [Assignment Q1 - paragraph "One of the first pioneers in the field of cardiac surgery was Dr Dwight Karken..."] [Assignment Q2 - paragraph "However, there was still a critical issue to be resolved if cardiac surgery was to develop any further." OR "The complex problem of tissue rejection remained an issue throughout the 1970s"???????????????????????????????????] [Assignment Q3 - paragraph "The prognosis for heart transplant patients has greatly improved over the past 20 years." MUST CHECK IN THE TEACHERS BOOK TO SEE IF THE ANSWERS ABOVE ARE CORRECT!!! Q3 - Ss discuss in pairs what the other paragraphs will discuss.

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students read the article and check their predictions (about what each paragraph talks about). In pairs discuss: Which paragraphs were you correct? Where did you have difficulty? Which topic sentences were vague? Which topic sentences had other options?

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

??????????????????????????????????????????????? Ss might discuss in groups: What do you think are the main points of this article? Where do you think medical research/progress is needed in this field? (in other fields?) Can look at 2.3 Extending skills C (page 18) Look at how the writer continues each paragraph: -defining and describing -restating the topic sentence -giving more information -giving (an) example(s) -giving a list of points -concluding

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