alican yavuzbarut alican yavuzbarut

Passive voice present simple
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson students works on, present simple form of passive voice. Fisrtly students are provided with a handout which involves a text and questions they read and answer the questions. Upon completing that students are provided with a GD handout. once they are done they will do a controlled and then a semi controlled and finaly freer speaking exercise, upon getting some feed back there will be a delay error correction before the lesson reaches to an end


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Main Aims

  • The main aim of the lesson is to get Ss familirezed with Passive voice present simple.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Sub aim of the lesson is to get students to use passive voice while speaking.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context for the reading

The lesson starts with a question "do you know how the books are made?" there will be a quick discussion about the question in order to serve as lead-in for the text student will be reading in the during the next stage.

Read and answer the questions (5-7 minutes) • Aim is to provide a context for the use of present simple passive voice.

İn this stage students are provided with a small text and instructed to "read the text individually and answer the questions" when they are done there will be an WC discussion about the text.

Guided discovery (15-17 minutes) • To get students to discover the MFP of passive voice.

During the stages students are provided with a guided discovery handout upon divided in two groups depending on the number of in the class and they are instructed to " work in groups and answer the questions about the two sentences" taken from the text which they read in the previous stage this is followed by a WCFB, then students are instructed to " work in groups and chose the correct word in bold to complete the rule" again a WCFB follows the process. Lastly they are instructed to "work in groups and complete the form using the parts of speech given" and WCFB follows this process before the stage concludes to an end.

Fill-in the blanks (5-7 minutes) • To get Ss to practice the TL.

THe SS are provided with an hand out and are instructed to "Put in the correct form of the verbs in the passive voice and work individually", once they are done students are instructed to check their answers within pair, upon completion they are provided with a answer key.

Make the active sentences passive (5-7 minutes) • To get Ss to further practice the TL.

THe SS are provided with an hand out and are instructed to "Put in the correct form of the verbs in the passive voice and work individually", once they are done students are instructed to check their answers within pair, upon completion they are provided with a answer key.

Freer practice (10-11 minutes) • To get Ss to use target language while speaking

The Ss will be divided into small groups of 3-4 people and then they will be provided with flashcards which consist of pictures of daily objects, one by one Ss within their groups takes a card and describe the object to their peers using passive sentences, T performs a demo to make sure Ss understands. And Delayed error correction will take place after the games is done.

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