Burcu Burcu

Writing Lesson
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will work on their writing skills along with a vocabulary support. They will be given diverse activities involving physical movement to wake them up but there should be a logical link between them. So all of the writings will be based on making up stories,trues and lies. The context will be set by teacher with writing trues and lies about herself on a piece of paper and make students guess which one is true and which one is false.


Abc A piece of paper
Abc Papers
Abc WB
Abc A song
Abc Vocabulary HO

Main Aims

  • To provide writing practice.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in past simple, Regular/irregular verbs.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

There are some sentences on board. The teacher explains to the students that some of them are true and some of them are false. Make the students guess which one is true and which one is false. Here I wrote some sententes. They are all about me. -I used to hate chocolate when i was a kid. What do you think? Is it true or false? -I love shopping. What do you think? Is it true or false? -I am a professional soccer player. What do you think? Is it true or false? -I am a fan of Tarkan. What do you think? Is it true or false? PS:Make sure you use your gestures and put some emotions into it so as to trick them.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher asks students to write 10 sentences about themselves. Five sentences will be true and five sentences will be false. While they are writing sentences,teacher monitor and write down some of the mistakes and make error correction afterwards. The teacher demonstrate what is next with WC standing up. The teacher holds a paper in hand,some trues and false written about her. She asks one student if it is true or not and she then asks to the next students. Ps: Make sure you have some empty extra papers to give them.

Grammar-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To Prepare students for more meaningful practice through practicing past simple

This will be a modal for the main activity. We can say a bridge between the exposure and the main writing activity. The teacher will start sticking pictures one by one to the board and will elicit from students the whole paragraph as a modal for the main writing activity. The teacher puts The title is ''One Day in My Life'' on board. Make the students believe in what is written on the board as a story and later on explain to them some of them are true and some of them are false. Tell them you made them up and now they should guess which one is true and which one is false. ''This is my one day but in 10 years'' Now the teacher asks students to write one day in their lifes in 10 years. ICQ-What will you write? -Your one day. When? In 2023. -Will it be a real or you will make your own story up? Yes.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for free practice

The teacher tells the students to write One day in your life in 10 years. Teacher puts a song from Enya(Caribbean Blue). While they are writing,teacher writes down the mistakes for the FB part. (and courage them by telling them it is a good and interesting day. Tell them after they are done. Volunteers will be asked to read out loud. If there is no one wanting to share. Encourage them. If it doesn't work, do some error correction on board.

Free Back/Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with FB

While the students are writing, teacher monitors students and write down the mistakes and write them on board after the activity.

Free Time activity (3-5 minutes) • To fill up the time in a most efficient way

Chest the hand out. Tell them to circle 10 most important thingin their lifes. 5 things and 1 thing in the end. That is the most important thing in their lifes. Get their answers one by one in the end.

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