Kelsey Wilkens Kelsey Wilkens

Functional Language, Suggesting Souvenirs
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson, Ss will functional useful language for giving ideas and discussing in the context of suggesting souvenir purchases. The Lead-in will set the context of buying souvenirs from Turkey, asking Ss to brainstorm gifts available at the Grand Bazaar. Then, Ss will be exposed to the language in a text and complete a self-guiding matching activity to check meaning. After checking meaning again, drilling pronunciation in context, and reviewing form in the whole class, Ss will complete controlled practice of the functional language. After that, Ss will have individual planning time, where they will decide the best souvenir for four different people. Ss will then discuss their ideas in small groups and report back on their group's recommendations. The lesson will conclude with feeddback on Ss' use of the language.


Abc HO3, Controlled Practice
Abc Visuals
Abc HO4, Task Preparation
Abc HO1, Meaning
Abc HO2, Language

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for giving ideas and discussing in the context of suggesting souvenir purchases

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of gift lexis in the context of buying souvenirs


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Project Slide 1, Visual on the screen. - Ask Ss: What kind of gifts can you buy at the Grand Baazar? - Brainstorm ideas and list on the w/b. Help feed Ss vocabulary if necessary. - Write ''souvenirs'' above the list. - Ask Ss: Do tourists buy souvenirs? Do they help them remember the place they visited? - Drill the word in context (I bought my mom a souvenir from Turkey.).

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful language

- Tell Ss: I wanted to buy a souvenir for my mom from Turkey. I asked some friends, and they talked about what to buy. Read their conversation. - Ss read HO1, Meaning and answer the questions for 5 minutes. - Monitor while Ss are reading. Help Ss with any blocking language. Watch for problematic structures in the matching activity to revisit with the WC in the next stage. - Distribute HO2, Language to each S. - Ss check their answers with a partner for 1 minute, using HO2 as an answer key.

Clarification (7-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Check the meaning of any expressions if required. - Drill pronunciation in meaningful context. (I think a scarf is a good idea. / What do you think?) - Highlight the form on the w/b showing how verbs and articles can be changed when referencing souvenirs in plural. (I think a scarf is a good idea. I think spices are a good idea.)

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- Ss fill in the gaps in pairs for 5 minutes. - Distribute HO3, Controlled Practice. - Monitor Ss and assist with any blocking language. - When Ss finish, distribute an answer key to each pair. - Ss check their answers.

Task Preparation (4-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for practice of the task language

- Ss read about four different people and write a Turkish souvenir idea for each for 4 minutes. - Ss make any necessary notes about why on the handout. - Distribute HO, Task Preparation to each S. - Monitor and assist Ss with ideas. Refer Ss to the w/b to select a souvenir that might be appropriate.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

- Arrange Ss in small groups. - Ss decide the best souvenir for each of the people in the pictures. - Remind groups that they need the opinions of everyone before making the final recommendation. - Monitor the discussions and write down both good language and that which requires reformulation.

Language Feedback (5-7 minutes) • To give Ss feedback on the language

- Nominate Ss report back to the whole class their ideas for each of the people. - Briefly comment about the group ideas - if they were similar or different. - Review any good language used during the discussions. - Prompt corrections or reformulations of other language from the discussions.

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