Drew Bassett Drew Bassett

Upper-Intermediate level


In thıs lesson, students will learn about the grammar "used to (do)" and "would (=used to)" as well as past simple through the context of childhood. This lesson will also briefly cover "for and since" how long...? (+ present perfect) when asking others about the past, but this is only being covered verbally. Students will also do an activity where they will compare their childhood with now, using the present simple tense.


Abc Model texts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of "used to (do)" and "would" in the context of childhood

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a short creative semi-controlled text in the context of childh


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will start off with a story about my childhood, recalling some pleasant memories of my sisters and I. Then I will ask the students to start thinking about their own younger days, thinking back to how things may be different than they thought they would be. I will take a poll: Who in this classroom is exactly where they thought they would be 15-20 years ago? I will ask any students willing to share what their thoughts were as a child compared to the reality of their life now.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Students will be exposed to the structure "used to" and asked to think back to their childhood on things that they used to do. We will go over the proper form by looking at model texts on the power point presentation. Students will share at least one sentence verbally with the class to demonstrate understanding before moving on to the task.

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

The task that the students will be asked to do is a semi-controlled text creation which is taken from the book, Teaching Grammar Creatively (2006, Gerngross, Puchta, Thornbury, Cambridge University Press pg. 48). They will use the language that they have been exposed to in order to complete the task.

Planning/Report (6-8 minutes) • To allow students to plan/report on how they did the task and how it went

Students can work with a partner to check their language and structures for the first couple of minutes of this stage, helping to each other to correct any errors. Once they feel comfortable with their completed task, a number of students will be individually nominated to share the text that they created with the class.

Language Analysis (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

At this point, I will write on the board "used to (do)" and "would" explaining that these can both be used to describe events from the past. I will use a time line, showing the past up to now, clearly illustrating that these events no longer happen in the present tense. I will also go over the pronunciation of the word "used" which may be problematic at first, emphasizing that there is only one syllable though choral drilling.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Students will be given a handout to practice and show what they have learned. Students will practice the grammar "used to" and "would" by completing exercises on the handout, which are taken from English Grammar in Use (pages 37 and 73). Students may work with a partner on this.

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