nurdan nurdan

Third conditional about bad luck
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn the meaning, form and pronunciation of third conditional through a presentation, based on a story about bad luck. I will present the story about a couple and the bad luck they had. Through eliciting I will draw their attention to the marker sentence in the story, I will write it on the board, convey the meaning though CCQ’s, elicit the form and drill the pronunciation along with eliciting the stress too. Then the students will move on with the controlled practice and after to semi-controlled practice. Finally, the students will be assigned with freer practice where they will think and talk about a moment of lucky or unlucky situation that had happened and if things were different how would it have ended?


Abc Sentence halves
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of third conditional in the context of bad luck

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in pairs in the context of a memory of luck or bad luck


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T will show the pictures of Ian and Amy - T will elicit all ideas about them, "where are they?" "who are they?" "do they look happy?" "who are they to each other?" - T will put the pictures up on the board with some space in between each other.

Exposure (10-12 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- Now that the pictures are on the board with the names written at the bottom, - T will start presenting the story orally, using the board, gestures and pictures - T will stop at a very suspicious part and put the SS in pairs to think and discuss what might have happened at the end of the story for (2min) -T will elicit ideas about the ending and make a note of it on the board - T will make the students listen to the recording so they will hear the ending. T will ask the SS to share their answers in pairs and elicit the answer.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- T will ask questions to elicit the marker sentence from the SS about the story, such as: why couldn't they meet? what happened? what could have happened if he or she had stayed at home? -eventually T will elicit the marker sentence that'll be: 'if one of them had stayed at home, they would have met' - T will write this sentence on the board.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T will firstly clarify the meaning of the marker sentence through CCQ's - 'did Ian or Amy stay at home?' (no) - 'did this happen in the past or is it happening now?' (past) - 'did they meet?' (no) - 'is there a chance for them to meet now?' (no) Through the above CCQ's SS will understand that the situation had happened and cannot be changed. - Then, T will clarify the form through eliciting, asking what do "I write for if, then what is this part" and etc... and T will have written the form under the marker sentence as so: if + subject + had + past participle +subject + would + part participle - Finally, T will clarify the pronunciation by doing back chain reading and identifying the words that are stressed. T will do choral drill, group dill and pair drill

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T will prepare halves of sentences - T will put the class in to groups of 2 or 3, distribute a set of halves to each group and instruct them to match the sentences (3 mins) - T will ask the SS to swap to check other groups matching - T will provide the answer for them to check - T will introduce the HO , give instructions then give out the HO (2min) -T will ask the SS to check answers in pairs and give the answer key

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T will say "I'll share a unlucky situation that had happened to me before, I had booked a flight to go on a holiday but I was little slow and I wasn't aware of the time until I got to the gate and realized that the gate had closed 3 minutes before I arrived, so I'd missed my flight!" T will write the following sentence on the board: 'if I'd been faster, I wouldn't have missed my flight' CCQ: is this a lucky or unlucky thing to happen? (unlucky) -T will then ask the SS to think of a lucky or unlucky story that happened in the past and if things were different how would have it ended? - T will point at her sentence and give 1 min for them to find a story. -T will put ss in pairs and ask them to share their story without forgetting to make a model sentence at the end - T will ask the SS to report the story of their partner.

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