Merlin Mladenova Merlin Mladenova

Skills - reading, listening, speaking
Beginner level


In this lesson students will focus on various skills such as reading, listening and later on some production of the language. We will start off with some predictions which afterwards will be checked through a listening comprehension task. Later on we will proceed into detailed reading in order to find specific information in the text. This will be same text from the listening this time used as a reading comprehension task. Then students will practice the learnt patterns and later on move to productive skills and in particular a speaking activity.


Abc Pictures for the reading
Abc Lead-in pictures
Abc Find someone WHO handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text named "My favourite thing" in the context of things that we like

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation and a game in the context of "My favourite things" and things we like and do not like.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • Set the context

Show 5 pictures of different things. and elicit their names from the students. Then tell them that you like 3 of them a lot but one thing you like most.(family, beach, cartoons, watermelon, travelling). Let them ask you questions to guess which one you do not like. Then summarize: I like travelling and watermelon, but my family is my favourite thing." This is the moment where I teach the word "favourite" in case some students do not know it and ask them about their favourite thing and write a word from each student on the board.

Pre-listening task (2-3 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening

Show students 4 pictures of 4 different people (given separately, without the text next to them) (Cutting Edge, p.21) and let ss predict what the people's favourite things are. Write the 4 names on the board and write ss' predictions next to them.

While-listening task (2-4 minutes) • Listening for gist

Play the recording (T2.7, Cutting Edge) for students to listen and to check their predictions. Whole class feedback takes place. Tick or cross the answers on the WB according to whether they are correct or not.

Pre-teach vocabulary (2-3 minutes) • To make sure students are familiar with some words from the text

"Did you find any unfamiliar words in the text?" How do we say "beautiful" in other words? Great, brilliant, perfect, beautiful, fantastic?

While-reading task (4-5 minutes) • Detailed Reading

Show the ss the handouts with the reading and the questions. Give them instructions while chesting the HO. Ss have a few seconds to go through the questions in ex.2 (p.21, Cutting Edge) and then 2 minutes to read the text. Pair-check and whole class feedback takes place.

Post reading&listening (2-3 minutes) • to provide a freer speaking practice

I will give them an example of the board just to make sure that they are familiar with the possessives. The car of Kemal = Kemal's car = his car The pet of Lisa = Lisa's pet = her pet (Elicit some more examples with students' belongings) He has got beautiful eyes = He's got beautiful eyes. It is a fast car. = It's a fast car. My computer is important to me = My computer's important to me. Do some drilling.

Post reading&listening (3-5 minutes) • Freer Speaking Activity

The 4 names are written on the WB. Students are divided into pairs and talk about each person's favourite thing. Then elicit the answers and write them on the board.

Speaking - What is your favourite thing? (5-7 minutes) • To provide speaking for fluency

Before introducing the exercise, make ss swap places and change partners. Ss are shown a few pictures in different contexts (food, movies, city, animal, book, season, TV programme, country, actor, singer). "What can you see on these pictures?" Elicit answers. Tell them now they are going to find out these things about their partners. "What is your favourite movie? Why do you like it" Is it old, is it good, bad? Make a demo. Monitoring + delayed error correction takes place. WCFB.

Find someone who... (4-6 minutes) • To practice the has got form and to engage students

Ss will be given HO's with statements written on them. They need to mingle and find the people who answer with "yes" to the questions. They need to ask different people every time.

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