Evgeniy Kalashnikov Evgeniy Kalashnikov

Health club; listening
Pre-Intermediate A2 level


In this lesson students practise their listening skills mainly for gist and specific information and speaking skills in the follow-up free practice activity. The lesson starts with lead-in where students are asked to make a list of activities that people can do in a gym or a health club. Then there's some key language checking (the shouting dictation technique is used here as a listening activity aimed to engage the students; expose the target vocabulary and practise students' skills to cope with background noise). Then students deal with listening tasks which are based on a conversation between a sports club employee and a man who is thinking of joining the club. The last activity is a small project where students think of their 'dream sports club', draw it and present to the class.


Abc Big cards with stresses
Abc Projector
Abc Small cards with stresses
Abc Sheets of paper
Abc Board
Abc colour pencils
Abc Prezi (during the lesson)
Abc Key vocabulary cards
Abc Worksheet
Abc Audio file
Abc Tack

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information in the context of a conversation between a sports club employee and a person wishing to join the club

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a mini project discussion in the context of sports clubs


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

(Prezi Slide 1 as the background) Start your lesson with showing a picture of a gym/sports club/health club. (Prezi Slide 2) Elicit what they can see in the picture. Then in groups ask them to write a list of activities that people can do in a gym. Give a time limit of one minute. ICQs: T.: What must you write? T.: Are you working in groups or individually? T.: How much time do you have? After that elicit their ideas (one idea per group; one by one till they run out of activities) and write down them on the board. Then ask them: T.: Who goes to a sports club? T.: What activities do you usually do there?

Pre-Listening (Key vocabulary work) (10-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

For the shouting dictation technique provide some DEMONSTRATION: T.: Now we are going to do the following: let me show you. (Name), will you be so kind to help me. I have got some words which I will dictate to you. Your task is (what do you think?) S1: To write it down. (anticipated answer) T.: Good. Quite easy, isn't it?. But all the rest students will have to talk to each other about what they have already done today and what they haven't done yet. (Divide them in pairs or in groups of three.) You must speak till I ask you to stop. ICQs: T.:What will I do? T.: What will (Name) do? T.: What will the rest of the group do? T.: What will they talk about? T.:When must they stop? T.: On the count of 3, start talking. (dictate your the words to (Name)): volleyball, boxing, badminton, gymnastics Stop the activity when you have finished with the dictation and check the sentence and move to the ACTIVITY. T.: Now we all are going to do the same activity. I'm going to give each of you a number from 1 up to 4. Remember it! Pair the students: (possible way) give each student a number from 1-4 (if there are 8 students) so they form 4 pairs. NB: students in each pair aren't supposed to sit close to each other. T.: Students with the same numbers are going to work together. Ask students to raise their hands calling out the numbers to check they understand who they are going to work with. Give one student of each pair a vocabulary card (check the materials). Explain when the first partner has finished dictation, the other does the same. Ask checking questions to see if all students understand the procedure. Do the activity. After that ask partners of each pair to come up to each other to check the words. Show the words (Prezi Slide 3), let them check once again and ask to tick those ones that they don't know (MONITOR and make notes what words you must work with). Elicit the meaning of the unknown words. Then show the dot stress pattern for one of the words and ask what it is and what the small and big dots mean. Distribute envelopes (one per pair) with the small cards with stresses, let them check what they have in them and elicit what they have to do. (match the words with their stress patterns). Use the big cards (check the materials) and do feedback matching on the board.

While-Listening #1 (4-4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist information listening task

Tell your students that they are going to listen to a conversation between two people and they must decide where the conversation takes place and who the people are. Ask ICQs: T.: What are going to listen to? T.: How many people are talking? T.: What questions must you answer? Then show Prezi Slide 4 to expose the questions. After listening let students discuss their answers in pairs and then elicit their ideas. Answers: The conversation takes place in a health club. The woman is an employee and the man is thinking of joining the club

While-Listening #2 (12-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging listening task for specific information.

Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Give them time to study the information. Tell them that they are going to listen to the conversation once again. They must listen and spot tany differences between the information on the worksheet and what they hear on the recording. Ask ICQs: T.: Is the information on the worksheet and the recording the same? T.: What do you have to do? Show Prezi Slide 5 with the task. Play the recording After listening let students compare their answers in groups. Tell them that there are eight differences in total. Play the recording again and check answers by going through the recording and having students call out 'Stop!' whenever they hear a difference.

Post-Listening (14-14 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Explain that students are going to be city planners and make a project of a sports club. Show the name of the project (Prezi Slide 6) "A sports club of your dream". Elicit what things they might want to mention in their text (from the worksheet). Show the plan (Prezi Slide 6 fade-in) Divide the group into 2-3 subgroups and distribute pencils and sheets of paper. Elicit what else they might do. Give them enough time to get ready with the project. Take students' picture and stick them on the board. After that mix them so in each new group there were representatives of each team. Let them discuss in new groups. (If there's not much time left, ask each team to present their projects) After they have finished, ask students what they have learnt about other projects. Thank students for their great work (Prezi Slide 7)

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