ainur ainur

TP 7b
Beginner level


In this lesson the sts will learn past simple tense of regular verbs in the context of activities they did last night. The sts will practice the TL throughout the lesson by doing controlled and semi-controlled activities.


Abc Pictures of activities
Abc Three short texts
Abc Pictures of three people
Abc Gap filling ex.
Abc Flashcards of the verbs

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the past simple tense of regular verbs in the positive form in the context of activities they did last night

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide semi-controlled writing practice of the past simple tense in the positive form in the context of the activities they did last night
  • To provide fluency speaking practice of the past simple tense in the context of the activities they did last night


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T tells the sts how did she spent her last night. T shows the pictures of the things she did yesterday and elicits the activities she did last night from the sts.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through short texts

The sts will be given instructions to read the texts in order to find out what these three people did yesterday. The sts will be told to circle the verbs in the texts. They will do peerchecking. They will be given the answer-key.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

-T elicits a few sentences taken from the text and writes them on the board. Highlights the verbs and "ed" and time expressions, elicits the meaning from the sts by showing pictures, demoing and asking CCQs Do I do it everyday? Did I do it in the past? and elicits the form from the sts by asking CCQs "What do we add after verb? What comes before verb? can we use we, he, she, you, instead of I?,If I write "study" in the past, what will change in the verb? drill. The sts will look at the board, there will be three verbs written and sounds /t/, /d/ and /id/ The sts will be told that "ed" can be read as /t/, /d/ and /id/. The sts will listen to the teacher reading the verbs. The sts will say is it /t/, /d/ or /id/? T writes the verbs under the appropriate sound and highlights the letters before "ed", so the sts can have some idea where to pronounce as /t/, /d/ and /id/, the sts will be given some more examples and drill.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

For this activity the sts will work alone. They will be shown the HO and given instructions to fill in the gaps using the verbs from the box in the past simple tense. The sts will do peerchecking. T will check the answers of some sentences which can cause problems for the sts. Error correction on the board. The sts will be given the answer-key.

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The sts will be divided into three small groups and given instructions to choose a card and make a sentence in the past using this verb. The sts will take turns. T will ask some sts to say their sentences and write them on the board, highlight the ed part, and correct the errors they have made.The sts will be given the answer-key.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The sts will be given instructions to write 3-4 sentences about what they did last night within 3 min. They wil discuss it with their patners. The sts will change their partner, so they can talk to many people. WC FB. T will ask a few sts about the activities they did, write them on the board and correct errors they have made.

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