Ezgi Ozsalih Ezgi Ozsalih

TP 7a, Defining Relative Clause
Intermediate, B1 level


The lesson will begin with the teacher's example sentence about her childhood. T will define a word that she used to use when she was a child. The students wll do the same thing about their childhood memories. The target language will be presented through listening about some children defining some things. Clarification stage will follow esposure with M.F.P. After the clarification stage, target language will be practised through the stages of controlled and semi controlled practices.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of defining relative clauses in the context of childhood

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of childhood


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

As the context of the previous lesson will be followed, T will start the lesson with a simple definition sentence. Studentw will be asked to tell their memories about how they used to define things in the past as children.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students will listen to a text about some children defining five things from a list. The script will be on the handouts, too as it may be hard to understand the children's speaking. Students will listen to find out which things children talk about or define. They will write their answers on the handouts and compare the answers with their partners. FB: Students will be given answer sheets to check their answers.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will choose two sentences from the script and write them on the board for clarification stage. After T underlines the relative clauses, students will be asked to decide which part of the sentences are main clauses and which ones are relative clauses in order to help the teacher use the terms while giving the meaning. They will talk about what relative clauses add to the meaning of the sentences. It will be clarified that relative clauses are like adjectives. They give essential information about the noun or noun phrase they describe and join two ideas together with a relative pronoun. T will focus on the relative clauses eliciting the verbs and subjects of the relative clauses from the students. Students will see the different usage of that as subject and object. They will then try to divide the sentences into two seperate sentences which will help them see how relative clause sentences are made. Finally, they will be given "which" and "who" and asked to replace "that" in the sentences with them. For pronunciation, the stress will be emphasized in the sentences, T will model and drill the relative pronouns and sentences.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

In order to make students practise how relative clauses are formed, they will be given an exercise to make one sentence out of two by using relative pronouns. They will work in pairs and write their sentences on the handouts that will be given to them. T will be monitoring to help the students. T will also take some notes to focus on after the controlled practice in case there are some points that the students are confused with. Students then will check their answers in groups of three. FB: T will check the answers with the students as it is not such an easy topic to give them only answer sheets.

Semi-Controlled Practice #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with semi-controlled practice of the target language

T will divide the students into two groups. Students will be given cards with beginnings of some sentences and they will complete the rest of the sentence themselves by working in their groups. To complete the sentences, they will have a limited time. The gorup which can complete more correct sentences will be the winner.

Semi-Controlled Practice #2 (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further

Students will be given some cards with nouns on them to define their meanings by using the target language. Each students in a group will be given some cards so that both of the pairs will have the opportunity to define and guess the words. T will monitor and see if any mistakes are made by the students. FB: T will correct errors if there are any.

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