Polina Polina

Time & Money
A2 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of Present Perfect with yet & already in the context of money using Guided Discovery technique

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in pairs and groups. in the context of work/life balance, financial concerns
  • To provide clarification and practice of financial issues, earning and saving


Warmer • To set lesson context and engage students

While students are gathering (3-5 minutes before the start of the lesson), I play a video of the song Money by Pink Floyd (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0kcet4aPpQ). Even though the text is too challenging to understand at Ss' level, the visuals are great to set the context of money, spending and financial concerns.

Lead-In (4-5 minutes) • To provide a context for further activities

I bring some copies of strange/funny bank notes (from Zimbabwe, Russian Empire, Iceland) and ask Ss to find out, which countries they belong to. We make a list of countries and currencies on the board, like: Argentina Peso Japan Yen Kazakhstan Teng Iraq U.S. dollar Luxembourg Euro Norway Norwegian krone

Vocabulary focus (4-5 minutes) • To revise and activate the lexical set of money before the reading text

I distribute the HO1 and ask Ss to match the words in the box to the pictures. The result should be: cash - c cheque - d coins - a credit card - e notes - b purse - g wallet - f Check in pairs, class feedback. In HO2 the Ss should choose the option that is not possible (odd one out). ICQ: how many options are correct? (two) 1. you earn money, a salary - not c 2. you can spend money on clothes, on food - not c 3. you can take out a loan from a bank, for a car - not b 4. you can owe money to a friend, to the bank - not c 5. people pay electricity bills, water bills - not c Check in pairs, class feedback.

Exposure/reading for gist (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

I write on the board the title of the text: "A lifetime of financial concerns". Elicit some ideas of what the text might be about. Check 'concern' - worries. Prompt Qs: Do you have the same concerns as a 70 year old person? Gist question: what do you think the text will be about? Then I disribute the HO3 with the reading text and give Ss 2 minutes max to read it. Pair check, class feedback. Point out mortgage ['mɔːgɪʤ] (Where do you get a mortgage? What do you want to buy?) inheritance [ɪn'herɪt(ə)n(t)s] (money left by a dead relative), heir [eə] (the receiver of this money). Drill pronunciation.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I write on the board: I've already saved $3. I haven't started work yet. Who said those sentences? Focus on already and yet. What is the difference between these two words? Discuss in pairs.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I write: We use yet and already with the ____________ tense. (present perfect) We use ___________ in negatives (-) an questions (?). (already) We use ___________ in affirmatives (.). (yet) And ask Ss to search for more examples in the text to find out the rules. Think about the meaning. Check in pairs. Meaning: We use already with the present perfect to emphasise that something has happened before now. Form: aux + already + past participle Drill the intonation of the whole sentence: We've already paid for our house. We've already visited two banks. M: use yet with the PresPerf to talk about smth that has not happened, but will probably happen soon. F: negatives, questions; goes at the end of the sentence. P: I haven't started work yet. Have you bought a place yet?

Controlled Practice (2-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss look at the busy-looking woman (visual), I elicit why does she look stressed? I show them her to do list (HO4) and ask to make sentences with yet and already. Ss take turns in pairs, I monitor, class feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1. I show them my own to-do list and say that 'I haven't marked all my homework yet, but I already prepared tomorrow's lesson', etc. 2. Ss make their own to do lists. Write down six things. Include (write on the board): - three things you haven't done yet, but would like to do this week; - three things you have already done this week. (as the lesson is on Monday, then, probably, done last week!). 3. Tell your partner what you have already done and what you haven't done yet. 6 sentences! Monitor, feedback

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss mingle and compare their lists with others in a dialogue. Ask your partner: - Have you ... yet? (anything from your list) - Yes, I've already..../No, I havent'..... yet. No, but I have already..../ Collect 3 things your colleagues have already done and 3 things they haven't done yet. Share them with the class. Monitoring, class feedback.

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